four - flying

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  "You know, I could get used to this." Rebecca's voice echos throughout Amber's kitchen. "I like having my own house."

"You're going to have to find your own house sometime." Allyson reminds her. "Once Amber and George get back... You're probably not going to be welcome in they're house." She sips hot tea at the kitchen island. Allyson has her own apartment, but likes Amber's spacious house.

"How did she get a house like this?" Kim asks from the couch. "She only had an actual job for a year before quitting to play guitar on the street. It apparently made more money than waiting tables."

"She told me that her dad helped out a bit. He wanted to make up for everything. That's all I can tell you guys, sorry." Allyson sighs. She couldn't give away everything she knew about her friend. It was way too much. "I'm going to take a shower, okay?" She dumps her tea cup into the sink and walks quickly up the stairs.

Allyson sits on Amber's bed, where she'd be sleeping the entire honeymoon. Ringo Jr. followed her into the room, and now sits at her feet. "I miss her already." She sighs, staring at the dog.

That's when it hits her. Amber had explained to Allyson before, that inspiration appears at random times. And she finally had something.

Allyson quickly stands up and looks around the room, startling Ringo Jr. "She's got to have one here somewhere."

"Maybe..." She opens the closet and peeks inside. "Yes!" There's a small acoustic guitar hanging on the wall. The same one Amber had been teaching her how to play the past three months.

Taking it down and sitting back on the bed with the dog by her side, Allyson starts strumming.

"Wedding bells ring,
the typical kind of thing.
She's finally found him, finally found him.
Knowing somewhere, someplace in her heart,
he'll ever leave her in the dark.
But she's still terrified."

"Terrified! Perfect!" Allyson grins excitedly, finding a pen and paper on Amber's desk and writing everything down. "Terrified."


Once Allyson has an entire song written down, she feels accomplished enough to let her mind wander.

Back home in the States, when Amber and Allyson formed their first band, Amber was entirely convinced she would never get married. She just wanted to buy a farm and make music for the rest of her life. Alone and happy.

But alone, you can't ever truly be happy.

That's what Allyson realized when her best friend moved away. She just left, without any warning. Amber said she got sick of the town she lived in, where it had all happened. Her parents fighting then separating, her first boyfriend breaking it off with her, everything. But that's also the place she formed her first band.

She and Allyson formed a two person songwriting group, and then soon added a drummer and bassist. Though the entire band never got to preform, Amber and Allyson played on street corners, earning money for new guitars and picks and everything else. They were unstoppable, confident and loud. Until they got a producer following them around, thinking of signing them. He wanted Amber to write a love song, but she refused. That's kind of where things went down hill.

"Let's just hope Amber and George are doing alright." Allyson mutters to Ringo Jr. "They love each other. A lot." She scratches his chin.

"Allyson!" Rebecca bursts into the room, breaking the silence that had surrounded her. "I knew you wenre't in the shower! Will sent another letter." She sits down on the bed and pets Ringo Jr. Will had responded to Becca's letter within two weeks, shocked. In that same letter he revealed that he was... not just into women.

"Did he get a boyfriend?" Allyson giggles. Becca's back stiffens, then she rolls her eyes.

"No! But he's going to take me out to dinner tonight, he has a suprise. He might." Rebecca takes a deep breath. "I still love him. I shouldn't, but I do."

"And he still likes girls, too, so there's still a chance for you." Allyson leans back on her bed. They had been as shocked about Will coming out of the closet as a bisexual as he had about Becca being pregnant. It seemed almost impossible. "What would you have done if he didn't want anything to do with you or the baby?"

"I don't know." She sighs, standing up. "I don't even want to think about it right now, okay? Can you just help me pick out something to wear for tonight?"

"Of course." She stands up too and follow Becca out. They end up picking out one of Amber's many purple things; a wool sweater dress, the one she had almost worn on the day she met George with Kimberly.

"Does this look okay?" Becca pulls on jeans under it then looks in the mirror.

"Your stomach makes it shorter than it is on Amber, but that's okay with the jeans." Allyson takes a brush and pulls it through Rebecca's unruly hair. "You look great. Will is going to fall over and wonder why he ever decided to like anyone but you." She looks at her and Rebecca and the mirror.

"You're really pretty." Becca says.

"Not compared to you. Or your sister." Allyson smiles, setting the brush down.

"Don't say that! You're like a sister to me now, okay?" Rebecca moves towards the door. "I'll always be here for you. No matter what. Just like I am for Amber." She waves then walks out the door, back down the steps.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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