three - don't pass me by

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The sound of a guitar playing awakes Amber the morning after the wedding. She spreads out her arms in the soft bed, but obviously George isn't there. Sighing out of pure happiness, she stands up and peeks out the window at the blue ocean waves.

"I'm going to need to go swimming while I'm here." Amber mutters to herself. She's about to walk down the stairs to George, but remembers the huge windows in the living area. "It's probably a good idea to get dressed." She finds the bags that George and the driver had carried up the day before, and searches for clothing.

Amber finds a bathing suit and pulls both pieces on. It's purple and barely shows her pale belly button. She then takes out a fluffy white robe and slips that on over it. She starts to leave, but then looks at the bed. It's unbelievably messy, and Amber can't stand messy. She quickly fixes it up, making it look nice and neat again.

Another thing stops her before she leaves the bedroom. Checking my reflection in the mirror seems like a good idea, too.

The bathroom seems almost as luxurious as the large bedroom. It's cool tile floor causes her feet to make a padding sound as she moves. Everything looks shiny, almost new. Amber takes a look at her face in the mirror. Her hair looks fine, having just brushed it. But there are traces of mascara around her eyes and even a spot of pink lipstick on her collarbone.

"How did that get there?" She laughs, taking a wet towel and dabbing the spots. There's only one way... George.

Once Amber is finally satisfied with how she looks, she slowly makes her way down the hallway. And then down the stairs. But she pauses on the third to last step, listening for George. The soft strumming of a guitar is coming from the direction of the couch, and his gentle voice with it.

"In this world there's nothing I would rather do, cause I'm happy just to dance with you." He sings softly. Amber sits on the step, listening to the rest of the song.

Once it's finished, she stands up and starts clapping her hands loudly, causing George to jump. "That was fantastic!" He smiles and raises his eyebrows at her. He's wearing shorts and a loose shirt, ready for the water.

"Why thank you, Mrs.Harrison." He bows his head. "That means a lot, coming from someone as talented as you. Speaking of, I got a call from Brian this morning..." She sits down and he wraps one arm around her waist, pulling her close. "He's finally found the Underground a manager."

"A manager? Why do we need a manager?" Amber eyebrows furrow together.

"Because the Underground is no longer a basement band. You have fans." He stands up and takes the guitar off of his shoulders. "And not just because of the Beatles."

"But that has helped." She points out. The Underground was originally called 'The Foxtrot Underground', but critics at their first performance thought it was too much of a mouthful. They're an all-girl band; with Amber on lead vocals and guitar, Kim on vocals and rhythm guitar, Marilyn on bass and vocals, and Allyson on drums.

"True. But you would've made it without us, and you know it. Brian says that you're just the kind of thing that catches the media's eye. Purple hair, big eyes, a deeper voice, and the all-girl thing is very interesting." George says. "Plus, you're a Harrison now."

"I love how you say 'Harrison'. It's more like 'Arrison'." She giggles, standing up and stretching. "Joj 'Arrison." She attempts to mimic his accent.

"Aye, I'll make fun o' you're American accent if you make fun of mine."

"Let me see you try." Amber stands on her toes to be as tall as him.

"My name is Amber Harrison, and I love George." He says in an oddly high, girly voice.

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