one - love you to

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This takes place, er, about four months after the end. I don't think you'll need to read the first if you haven't, but I'm not too sure about my ability to slip everything in there. *Deep breath* Here we go!
By the way, you will ALWAYS want to read my A/Ns. They're important!
-AH <3

Amber stares at herself in the mirror. The long white dress has no sleeves, making the room chilly. She's been to a few weddings before, and loves watching the bride walk down the aisle. She always looked so happy, staring into her man's eyes. But the music has to be her favorite part. It always says something about the couple. Just for the occasion, she had taught Kim to play the classic organ song for the aisle part. Because obviously, she couldn't do it.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Amber's mother wipes a tear from her eye. Mrs. Ramone had gotten a plane to England the day she heard her daughter was engaged. She looked very similar to Rebecca, who was already outside their little tent, waiting in the small crowd. She decided she didn't want to be a bridesmaid, the dress was too stiff and uncomfortable for her protruding pregnant belly. Her hair is the same shade of brown as her mother's, and her eyes the same stormy gray-blue.

"You really do." Louise, George's mother agrees. "Even more beautiful then George has described."

Amber looks up from the dress, to her face. Rebecca and Kimberly spent an hour on her make-up, trying to get it just right. Her cheeks were the perfect shade of pink, and her eyes looked even bigger than normal. Her dark purple hair had been re-dyed the week before, for a perfect shine. It was halfway up, with curls still falling to her shoulders. "Is it bad that I'm scared?"

Kim appears in the mirror beside her, and places a hand on Amber's shoulder. Her hair is pinned up, and she's wearing a purple dress, nearly the same shade as her best friend's hair. "You're not scared. You're just nervous. "

Allyson stands up from her spot on the floor, where she was tying the lace on Marilyn's ballet-style shoes. "It's George Harrison out there. Not a monster. You love him, you'll be fine." Allyson's dress is slightly different from the other bridesmaids. Amber chose her childhood friend as maid of honor, to make up for the years of lost time.

Amber's father clears his throat. "Louise, Sylvia, it's time for you to go out there." He walks into the tent, and holds the flap open for the mothers to exit. He stops and stares at his daughter. "You look great, Amber. That boy might not even be able to say his lines."

Amber blushes at her dad's remark. "I would hope he can. I honestly don't want to be here long."

"Yeah. You want to be on your honeymoon." Marilyn clasps her hands together and makes a kissy-face.

Mr. Reed chuckles. "Actually, Mari, that's probably true."

"Don't tease the bride." Amber straightens her father's purple tie. She looks around at the bridesmaids: Kim, Allyson, and Marilyn. There's only three of them, but Amber didn't want anyone other than her closest friends to be there.

"We're not teasing, it's just the truth. You're being way too nervous about this." Allyson wraps her cape-like shawl around Amber's shoulders. "It's your night. And Geo's, of course. But this is about you, and you're supposed to be happy."

"I am happy. Too happy to explain. Just... nervous." Amber takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. This is the night she has been waiting for. The night she will change from Amber Reed to Amber Harrison. She's been calling herself that for weeks, but it was still shocking.

"Nervous?" Kim chuckles. "You're the frontmen for the Underground. We played in front of thousands of people last week!"

"I know. But this is different. This is George."

"It's time for the bridesmaids." John peeks through the flap in the tent. His eyes widen. "You all look great." He walks inside, with Ringo and George's brothers following behind him. He hooks arms with Kimberly. "Ready?"

"Yes." She smiles.

Ringo takes Marilyn's arm. Harry and Peter (George's brothers) walk in the front of them, not having anyone to walk with.

"Walk slowly." Mr.Reed whsipers to them as Harry leads out of the tent. He looks back at Amber. "Are they ready?"

Allyson's three-year-old cousin Lisa is the flower girl, and she walks out next. Along with her bother Max, the ring-bearer.

"They're so adorable." Amber wipes a tear from her eye.

"Do they make you want to have kids?" Allyson asks, smiling.

"You're not having kids any time soon, missy." Amber's dad jokes, grinning, knowing it's almost time.

"I don't think I'm quite ready for that." She looks down at her dress. "Honestly, I'd rather be out there playing my guitar. Or even the organ."

"That's a lie, and you know it." Allyson salutes her as she walks out, taking her place as maid of honor.

"Oh my George." Amber breathes, a sudden panic washing over her.

"Ams." Her dad warns. "This is no time to freak out. Close your eyes." She looks at him in confusion. "Just do it."

Amber closes her eyes. "Good. Now, just think. George is out there. And in a minute, you are going to be there. There are only to things that can happen. Either this is going to go perfectly smoothly, and you'll be married by the end of the hour. Or he will stumble over his words staring into your 'kaleidoscope eyes', and it'll take all day." She giggles at the thought of it.

"Either way, by the end of the day today, you will be officially Amber Harrison. You'll have a week long honeymoon with George Harrison. You have absolutely nothing to be worried about." Amber nods at his words. "Now let's go get 'em." He smiles.

Amber grins and hooks arms with her father. They wait at the front of the tent, for the organ music to start. That's their cue. Once Amber hears the familiar notes of the song she taught Kimberly, her dad opens the tent and they begin walking. Without him to lean on, she surely would have tripped over.

The outside of the tent is bright with sunlight. They picked a beautiful park scenery with flowers and shrubbery everywhere. The sun glints perfectly against the sequins on her dress. George is standing a the end of the aisle, in front of a tall gazebo. The smiles on his face is shining, nearly blinding.

Once they reach the end of the aisle and take their places, everything moves quickly. A tear forms in one of George's hazel eyes, as he says his lines.

Once it's over, Amber takes Geprge's hand and breathes a sigh of relief. He holds their hands in the air. "To the Harrisons!" He yells. The entire room erupts in applause. "Now let's dance, Mrs. Harrison." He grins, kissing her for the second time. 

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