five - long, long, long

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The shrill sound of the phone ringing takes Amber out of her trance. She picks it up, "Hello?"

"Amber! I have to leave, but turn on your TV if there's one where you are. Find George!" Rebecca yells back, than quickly hangs up. Amber shakes her head, smiling, then looks around. There is a small TV set opposite the couch. She must not have noticed it before because of George.

Amber turns the TV on, and doesn't have to even switch channels, because George is already on. The boys are all sitting in chairs, with an interveiwer across from them. Amber sits on the couch and crosses her legs.

"George." The interveiwer is a young woman, with light blonde hair. "Tell us, how was your wedding?"

His eyes widen as the crowd erupts in cheers. "Well, word spreads fast 'round here, doesn't it?" She laughs and nods, pushing him on. "It was great." He says simply.

'Who's the lucky girl?"

George pauses for a moment, thinking about what he's going to say next carefully. "Her name is Amber. She's beautiful, and very kind-hearted."

"Any idea of what she looks like?" The woman leans in a little.

"She has bright green-blue-gold eyes and purple hair. Only a few inches shorter than me." He sighs. "Anything else you want to know?"

She seems to notice the slight annoyance in his voice and shakes her head. "Nothing we won't hear in the papers tomorrow, right?" The boys laugh, and they quickly change the subject to the Beatles' latest album. A shiver runs through Amber's body about how right the woman is. Now that she's married to a Beatle, not much will stay out of the news. The interviewing ends and they move on to a performance. She keeps watching, despite having heard every song live before.

Once they announce the last song, Amber decides to make something for George for dinner when he gets back. It's a little past 6:00, so he'll most likely be back before 8:00, she thinks to herself, looking through the kitchen for something easy. Settling on green beans and rice, Amber starts cooking.

"I've have officially decided I don't love being alone." Amber says to herself, nodding her head to 'I'll Get You'. "I need my little pets here. Then I won't have to talk to myself, and I can talk to them. It's not as batty." She laughs. "Batty. Where did that come from?"

Soon after the rice is done, Amber hears a car coming into the drive. She sits down at the table, and takes a moment to admire how perfectly set it is. Then she folds her hands in her lap and waits.

"Mrs. Harrison?" George calls out, and loud laughter follows. He walks into the kitchen and whistles. "Didn't expect this." He moves behind Amber and grabs her shoulders.

"Welcome back." She says quietly, looking up at him. He leans down to kiss her, but she stops him. "Tell me, just how drunk are you?" She laughs.

George chuckles and sits down at his seat. "It's not that bad. Just a little. But I better eat something so I don't pass out on ya." He fills his plate with the beans and rice and takes a large bite.

"How has your night been going?" Amber asks him, doing the same with her plate.

"Mmm, as well as an interviewer dogging me about my wife can go, I suppose." He smiles at her, teeth filled with food.

"I watched it. You called me beautiful." Amber smiles smugly.

"Like you haven't heard it a hundred times." He rolls his eyes. George scrapes the plate with his fork, then leans back in the chair.

"How in the world do you eat so fast?" Amber's eyes widen, her plate still half filled.

"I was hungry." He runs a hand through his hair and groans. "I think I drank a bit too much."

"Ha, see! It wasn't just a little. I can smell it on you." She finishes off her plate and stands up to take his to the sink.

He follows her across the kitchen. "You must have quite the nose." Actually, she really didn't. Her sense of smell was average, just like her eye sight. But whatever disadvantage she had there, was made up for in her abnormally good hearing. George wraps his arms around his wife as she drops their dishes into the sink.

"Geo, can you at least wait until we get to the couch?" She says as he kisses her neck. Amber takes his hands and holds them together like he's in handcuffs. "Wait," She leads him into the living room.

"There." He sits on the couch and starts trying to take off his tie.

"Need some help?" Amber laughs, sitting next to him. "Why do you wear all that?"

"Brian thinks it makes us look more professional." He straightens his back as he unbuttons his shirt.

"I think the sexy factor also goes in your favor." Amber smiles at him, leaning in. Just as he's about to kiss her, the phone rings. George curses under his breath and stands up to get it.

"Hello?" He says into the phone, his voice annoyed. Amber places a hand on his bare chest, waiting. His eyebrows furrow, and he looks at Amber, a hint of fear in his eyes.

"What is it?"

He nods. "We'll be there. I'll explain it to her on the way." He sighs and quickly lifts Amber up into his arms, and almost runs to the door. He stops at a garage car on the side on the house Amber had never seen before.

"Tell me. What is it?" She demands.

"Get in. I'll tell you." He slips into the driver's side.

Amber buckles her seat belt. "Can you even drive?"

"Not legally. But yes, I know how." He starts up the car, and pulls onto the road. "There was a crash. Will and Becca were in Will's car, on the way home from a night out, and they got slipped on some ice and hit a huge tree. Both of them are in critical condition."

Amber feels tears spring in her eyes. "If she's in critical condition, then what about her baby?" The car goes silent. If her stomach got a sharp impact, the baby could die. Just like that. "Go a little faster?" She whispers.

George nods and speeds up a little. The rest of the ride is silent until they pull up in front of the hospital. They are escorted by nurses to the waiting room outside Will and Becca's rooms. Paul is pacing around, and gives Amber a sympathetic look when she walks in. "Ringo's on his way, John can't make it, I got a driver to get Marilyn, Allyson and Kim. I called your parents, they're on their way from their hotels." He speaks fast, nervously.

Amber lets go of George's hand and rushes to Paul. He pulls her into a hug, stroking her hair. Ringo appears in the room next, panting as if he's run the whole way up to their floor.

"Is she okay?" He asks George.

"We don't know yet." He answers, watching Amber intently.   

Something [Beatles Fan-Fiction] sequel by popular demandWhere stories live. Discover now