Chapter 9

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Pharaoh Atemu stared at the morning horizons. He sat on his balcony, one of the most peaceful places he knew those days, and was deep in thoughts. He couldn't believe he was so rude to Kisara just yesterday, hitting her and hurting her so badly…

(What had gotten into me then? I can't even understand myself…It wasn't her fault, after all…How could she know about me loving her at the time?...Well, she should have been more careful. She mustn't have gone to see Seth, she mustn't have disobeyed her father…It's her price to pay.) But the remembrance of her silent, desperate scream when he roughly shook her, the pain he saw in her eyes, her shocked and weakened state…He shouldn't have hurt her, he shouldn't have made her cry even harder. He had to make her realize she loved him and only him…

Atemu glanced at the sun rising up. The fact that Seth was away – made him feel more confident about Kisara (Seth can never stand in my way now. But I have to make her understand…I have to make her love me.). He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the dawn light on his face. This day was going to be very busy, some guests from neighbor countries wanted to meet him, and he had to take care of the usual kingdom issues.

He slowly got dressed and walked down the marble stairs. When he reached Kisara's bedroom, he silently went to the door, and opened it without making a noise. He stared at the small sleeping figure over the bed. He got into the shadowed room, and closer to where Kisara was lying. Tilting his head over her, he saw she was shivering and her pale skin was cold for his touch. He quickly picked up her fallen blanket and covered her with it again, helping her lay more comfortably. She was cold…really cold…(I will send Ikana to help her when she wakes up. She must get better as soon as possible because our wedding is coming. She needs her rest.) He sat there, blinks of guilt still consuming a corner in his heart for what he had done to her, but he shook it away and got up, leaving Kisara alone again as he went to his business.

Seth was really tired that day, riding on his horse. He knew it was very dangerous to keep riding when the tendency to fall asleep was taking over him, but he had no other choice. He had hardly slept the previous night, he dreamt about Kisara crying from pain and betrayal, and his eyes were sore from tears he couldn't cry. He wished he would have stayed with her.

(I'm afraid Atemu can hurt her. What if he found out about Kisara and me? He can be really cruel and ruthless. I don't know what to think. I'm not sure what should I do. Maybe turn back my horse and ride back to Pharaoh's palace? I still can prevent the wedding if I interfere it…But what about my father? What about the power he wishes me to obtain? So what the hell should I do now? I feel I can't keep going, but I can't return too…Oh, Kisara…) and as he stared into the eternal desert around as he prayed for her (Please hold on…)

Ever since he has gone searching for Kaa, Seth had to leave Kisara, but this time the situation was much more critical. But maybe if they rode faster, they could make it to the village and back in time.

"We are not doing a rest stop today," said Seth as he navigated his horse towards one of his servant "We are going to keep this pace from now on, we have to hurry up." the servant nodded, and quickly the message passed through the convoy. They kept riding as the unforgiving sun beat down on their backs and the sand burned under the horses' hoofs. (I'm not going to stop! I'm not going to give up! I will make it back in time, and I will save Kisara!)

The cold night breeze blew lightly through the windows in the hall Atemu was sitting in. He was a little tired; he did a great work today, receiving people and solving problems like lack of water for the eastern fields and some trade conflicts.

The sun was slowly lowering in the horizon, and the sky was darkening again. He watched the view silently, lost in thoughts. Suddenly a knock was heard as young girl with worried expression entered the room. She bowed, and Atemu looked at her.

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