What Jane thinks

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*Human walks by*
Jane: Oh... she smells... DELICIOUS! Don't do it don't do it don't do it!

I wonder if anyone loves me. Does anyone love me? It would be nice to be loved... PSYCH!

Heart beats fast, colors and promises... how to be brave?

You simply DO NOT be brave, because I'm going to drain your life and blood.

Let's go Aro, let's go! Let's go Aro let's go!

Who da vamp? I'M DA VAMP!

Screw Edward. Someday that little pet of his will get herself killed and he'll happily beg to join the Volturi. Someday!

I hate Alice Cullen. And Bella Cullen. And ALL Cullens.

Well, I guess I just accidentally killed the secretary. Guess I better clean up all this blood...

I hope you guys liked this! I'm running out of text ideas so I had to start changing it up... Anyway, should I keep doing this kind of chapter?!? Or just go back to texts? Or both? I don't know! Tell me in comments!

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