Chapter 17

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Kitty Marcellino:

Nathaniel and Sam didn't let me leave on my own because according to Sam, sinning wasn't fun on your own and according to Nathaniel, he just didn't want me sinning.

Sam's whole face lit up as he started explaining to us his plan of action—his words—so that we could get fucked up the right way.

"First we're going to start with 5 shots each to get us warmed up—"

"As much as I love drinking," I said, cutting him off with a sympathetic smile, "I really want to take off these heels and change out of this dress."

"Which you look exquisite in by the way." Sam added, kissing the top of my hand.

"I'll come with you." Nathaniel cut in, pulling my hand from Sam's mouth. "We'll meet you wherever you are."

"What exactly are you guys going to change into? You didn't even bring any clothes." He eyed us suspiciously, folding his arms over his chest. "Don't tell me you two are going to fuck?"

"And what if we are?" I asked with a sly smirk.

He groaned, rubbing the back of his head. I couldn't help but laugh, gesturing to mine and Nathaniel's clothes. "I'm kidding. I'm going to buy some clothes. . . I can't say I'll be back but I'm sure Nathaniel would love some Sam time."

"If you don't come back with Nate, I'm taking him to Crazy Horse 3." Sam said wiggling his brows. "Maybe I'll pay one of the girls to give him a lap dance."

Nathaniel only shook his head in response while I couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "Yeah, okay. Good luck getting a reaction from him."

Sam's deep laugh reverberated through the parking lot as smacked his hand against his thigh. "Fuck, you're right."

His eyes slid over to me, his mouth lifting in a smirk as he wiggled his brows suggestively. "Now what if you were the one who gave him a lap dance?"

"The only reaction I'll get is 'Don't do that again, Kitty'." My impersonation of Nathaniel only made Sam laugh even harder while I rolled my eyes. "God, Nathaniel barely tolerates me as it is. He hates when I kiss him. . . Let alone touch him."

Sam shot Nathaniel a knowing smile. "Mmmm I don't think so, Kitty."

"Watch." Reaching up, I pressed my mouth to Nathaniel's, waiting for his reaction but when it didn't come, I heard Sam start howling in laughter.

My eyes narrowed slightly as I pulled away, my mouth turning down in a frown. "I think he's getting used to my kisses."

Sam folded his arms across his chest, a small smile playing on his lips as he raised a questioning brow.

I couldn't help the impish smile that crossed my face as I reached up once more and bit down on Nathaniel's bottom lip hard.

He hissed quietly, looking pointedly at me as his voice lowered, "Do that again and see what happens, Kitty."

I ran the tip of my tongue over my top teeth before flashing him an innocent smile. "Don't tempt me, captain."

I turned to Sam with a triumphant laugh and gestured to Nathaniel. "Close enough, right?"

"Trust me." Sam said, shooting me a smile as if he knew something I didn't, "You've only known him for a short time but it took me 3 years to get any sort of a reaction from him. Hell, it took me another 2 years to get him to even change my name in his phone from 'Samuel Henderson' to just 'Sam'."

I frowned. "I—"

"And your name is under bunny on his phone." Sam continued pointing at Nathaniel accusingly who was shaking his head.

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