Chapter 1

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Kitty Elvira:


"Kitty, stop ignoring me."




The corner of my mouth twitched as I finally looked up from my phone and at my brother who had been sitting in front of my computer for the last 3 hours.

"Not my fault you don't respond to anything else," He said with a nonchalant shrug, turning back to face the computer screen. "Come look at this."

I couldn't help the annoyed sigh that came out as I got up and walked over to where he was sitting, leaning over his shoulder to look at the computer screen, "What is it?"

He clicked on the play button on the screen and the narrator's voice echoed from the computer, "This week on Celebrity Gossip we have another update on the world's favourite supermodel—Kitty Elvira."

Pictures of me flashed across the screen in a frenzy, accompanied by annoying background music that had me wincing before the video cut to the narrator. "The supermodel attended Jennifer Ferrera's 25th birthday party a few nights ago and was seen leaving early with the actor, Chase Fox. Now for a while, everyone suspected these two were dating but there has been no comment from either party."

The video showed a picture of me and him laughing together outside a nightclub—that I was pretty sure was photoshopped because I never left with him, nor had I ever hung out with him alone or laughed at anything he had said.

I had to give props to whoever photoshopped the picture though. It looked way too real even I had to do a double take.

"But after interviewing an inside source," The narrators' high voice brought my attention back to the screen, "Elvira has reportedly turned the actor down when he asked about taking things further, claiming she wanted to 'stay friends'—"

"What a load of shit." I fought the urge to roll my eyes again at the complete bullshit she was spouting, "Inside source, my ass. Who even believes this garbage?"

"—Not even Chase Fox can get a date with the supermodel. Some people have been asking, does she think she's too good for everyone? Tell us what you guys think in the comments."

"Slow news day, I think." I muttered staring at the black screen, feeling my irritation spike as the video ended. "Jesus, I can't even be single in peace."

Phoenix cringed outwardly, shooting me a disturbed look as he shivered exaggeratedly. "Why anyone would even want to date you is beyond me."

I pushed his head roughly, rolling my eyes. "Just shut up, little shit."

He chuckled lightly, poking his tongue out at me before exiting the full-screen video and scrolling through the comments section. "Now time for my favourite part."

She looks like a bitch.

Did anyone ever think that maybe she likes girls? Duh.

So are we all just going to ignore the fact that she's named after an animal? Who the hell names their child Kitty? Smh hippies ...


Y'all can call her whatever you want but not ugly.

She's so beautiful ^.^ ily Kitty <3

Everyone hating on her is just jealous lol go home ya insecure bitches. Bye Felicia.

After about 30 more comments, I decided I'd had enough. Honestly, if I read anymore I was going to give myself a headache with the influx of different opinions about me and my non-existent love life.

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