Chapter 14

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Kitty Elvira:

She didn't answer me, her mouth hanging open in shock. "You went and got money from one of the wealthiest families in the world just so you could try to bribe me to disappear?"

Slowly coming out of her shock, she balled her fists up at her side. "I'm good friends with their daughter that's why—"

"Good friends with their daughter?" A small laugh left my lips as I folded my arms across my chest, "You mean the daughter that no one's even seen yet?"

She eyed me suspiciously. "You sure know a lot about them—"

"Of course I do. It just wouldn't be right if a gold digger like me didn't know all about people with money."

"Right." She scoffed as if I was despicable, accepting the explanation. "What else did I expect from you?"

"Well try not to be too disappointed." I muttered walking away.

She looked like she was ready to pull her hair out in frustration as she yanked my arm back once more. "Just take the damn money, Kitty!"

I swear if she did that one more time, my arm was going to dislocate. I could already feel the bruising on my upper arm as her fingers curled around it. "If I take it, what happens to you then?"

When she didn't say anything and went quiet, I turned to face her with a raised brow, jerking my arm out of her hold. "Do you think if I take the money, it's going to be all sunshine and rainbows for you here on out?"

She didn't know what Vivian was capable of. That was so much fucking money and Vivian would definitely get it back with interest.

A chill ran down my spine at the thought.

"Did it ever occur to you that there might be bigger things going on than you, me, and Nathaniel? I mean, do you really think Vivian gave you that 500 million dollars just because she cared about your love life?"

She stayed silent, her blue eyes glossing over as she bit her lip to stop it from quivering.

I took that as her answer and swallowed a sigh as I walked off. I thought Kallie would try to stop me again but when she didn't, relief shot through me.

There was really no point in staying to talk to her since she had already made up her mind. She wasn't going to tell me anything and if I stayed and saw her cry, I would start feeling even more guilty.

This was all my fault for going to Slaughterville in the first place.

God, I really needed a drink.

When I made it back to the exhibition hall, Nathaniel was nowhere in sight—much to my relief. I decided to use the time to buy some paintings and drink champagne. . . doing mostly the latter.

Kallie walked in shortly after me and the first person she talked to was Miss Sunshine who had advised me to get a good lawyer. They both thought I was a gold digger so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that they were friends.

My eyes drifted to a waiter holding a tray of champagne glasses a few feet away from me. I bit the inside of my cheek in contemplation and when I still saw no sign of Nathaniel, I took it as my sign to just do it.

My hand reached out to the platter but as fast as I had grabbed a glass off, someone else's hand shot out and whisked it out of mine and away from me.

Nathaniel shook his head, his eyes narrowing on me from over rim of the glass as he proceeded to down the whole thing.

I felt like a kid who got caught stealing a cookie and rubbed hands together pleadingly, a small pout on my lips. "Just one drink."

Just as he opened his mouth, a high-pitched voice rang through the air cutting him off, "Kitty!"

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