Chapter 10

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Kitty Elvira:

Pitch black darkness was the the first thing that greeted me when I opened my eyes. I let a muffled groan as a groggy ache pulsed through my whole body.

God, that was the last time I was ever drinking.

My eyes eventually adjusted to the darkness and they landed on the sleeping figure beside me. I felt my heart stop dead in chest for a split second until I realised who it was.

I let out an oddly relieved breath and tried to sit up, when I felt something warm on top of my stomach. My fingers brushed over Nathaniel's arm that was anchoring me to the bed.

Did this man even realise what he did in his sleep? He didn't even like touching me when he was awake.

My eyes went back up to his face and I had the sudden urge to trace it with my fingers. Jesus, I always forgot how incredibly handsome he actually was. . . maybe it was because every time he opened his freaking mouth, it made me want to close it forever.

I let myself admire his face for another moment before gingerly lifting his arm off of me, silently praying the action wouldn't wake him up.

However, my prayer went unanswered and Nathaniel stirred in his sleep, his eyes drifting open a second later.

I shot him a sheepish smile. "Morning."

He stared at me for a few moments before wordlessly turning over to face the other side.

I ignored his lack of reaction and swung my legs over the bed, standing up to stretch the stiffness out of my neck and muscles.

My eyes went to my clothes and I realised I was still wearing the same thing that I went to see Katherine in.

Shit. . . Katherine.

My mind tried to recall the events from the day before but I couldn't remember much. I roughly remembered getting drunk and seeing Nathaniel but that was pretty much it. I whirled around so fast, the motion alone made me want to vomit all over the floor.

Once I finally steadied myself I glanced over at Nathaniel, wondering if he went back to sleep.

"Nathaniel. . ."

When he didn't answer, I shuffled closer to the edge of the bed and tried again. "Nathaniel?"

I climbed onto the bed, crawled over to his side and shook his arm. "Nathaniel, stop ignoring me."

His teeth clenched, a muscle in working in his jaw as he turned around to face me. "What?"

"What happened to your mom?" I asked, trying my hardest to shake off how hot he sounded with a sleepy voice.

He threw his arm over his eyes and did the perfect job of pretending like I wasn't there.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off once more—which only managed go irritate him even further. "Answer me."

He grimaced and sat up, reaching over for something across the bed. Before I could ask what he was doing, the bedside lamp turned on. When he turned back around, my eyes immediately landed on the split on his bottom lip.

"What happened?"

He ran his thumb back and forth over his bottom lip. "You bit me."

I slapped a hand over my mouth trying to stop myself from laughing. Oh God, I definitely didn't remember that.

His grey eyes narrowed at my reaction, clearly unamused. "You think this is funny?"

"No?" I offered unsurely.

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