Chapter 3-Back-Stabbing Siblings? Why Not?

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I walked down the hallways to the Honey Room, which was where we kept all our Honey Changelings. They were excellent workers and were earning us a lot of bits with their exceptional Honey. I walked calmly into the room and immediately they all stopped working to look over at me with fear in their eyes. I walked over to the nearest one and studied its work station.

Honey Changelings have a magical power that allows them to grow a special species of flower. The flower oozes Honey, and depending on the Honey Changeling, the Honey Flower can produce different qualities. If the Honey Changeling is taken away from the flower, it will immediately start to die. Normally if we got bad quality Honey we would get rid of the Changeling producing it. We didn't have a use for it if it wasn't working.

"What is your name?" I asked in my double-voice that only rulers have.

"N-Nectar, Sir-"

"Lord," I corrected.

"Lord," the Honey Changeling gulped.
Suddenly one of my soldiers burst into the room. "Lord Xenomorph!"

"What is it?" I snarled.

"I-it's your sister, Queen Chrysalis. She's back."


"Long time no see, Chrysie."

"Cut the chatter, Brother. My hive was destroyed by an Equestrian." She snarled.

I laughed. "An Equestrian destroyed your hive?"

She hissed. "Not just one Equestrian. Two Equestrians, a traitor, and a Draconequus."

"A Draconequus? Isn't there only one of those left?"


"Yessss. I remember him. It's been a long time since we've seen him."

"He's become soft and best buddies," she said this part mockingly, "with Equestrians."

"Mm. Equestrians have a lot of love to feed on."

"Yes! And I almost had it all! But the Equestrians, traitor, and Draconequus defeated me! Well, it was mostly the traitor."

"Tell me everything." I settled down on the ground.

"There is no time!" She leaped into the air, beating her wings furiously. "I require reinforcements so I can get revenge on those Equestrians!"

"I will not let you take any of my soldiers unless you tell me what happened."

She growled but landed again. "Fine. It all started with replacing the Elements of Harmony-"

"-and that is?"

"Very powerful Equestrians."


"Once we did that, I sent minions to replace their leaders. But, I didn't think a certain Equestrian named Starlight Glimmer would have been very important or needed replacing so I let her be. She must have discovered my minions taking the place of her friends and gotten help. Next thing I know a minion tells me the hive has intruders in it! I went to my throne room and hid until Starlight Glimmer appeared, but when she got closer I realized it was actually the traitor! I had my minions capture him and I found Starlight Glimmer trying to destroy my throne. I would have stopped her, but I wanted to prove something to her. I tried to steal the love the traitor had collected, but instead of him fighting me, he let all is his love loose. It- it transformed him! And every one of my minions! They followed his lead until all of them weren't even my species anymore! All of the love destroyed my throne and the top of my hive, and they even tried to get me to join their 'lovey dovey' group, but I would never give in that easily! I swore to them I would have my revenge and I will!"

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