Chapter 2-We Make a Couple New Friends, Sorta

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  CP had grabbed me by my tail and yanked me out of the way before the projectile hit me. Pyro flung herself at Samuel as he pulled the trigger again. I ripped my tail out of CP's mouth as I tried to stop Pyro before she hurt Samuel. Pyro shapeshifted into Samuel and he looked at Pyro with shock for a moment before she changed back to her true form and kicked him in the gut. (Humans are very tall compared to us)

  "No!" I cried. From what I read in the history books, humans weren't very resistant to pain. He stumbled backwards and fell down onto his knees while he clutched his gut. CP used his magic to drag me in the direction they came in at. Pyro soon followed and I finally, willingly followed them as we galloped through the hallways. There wasn't really much room for our wings so we were forced to just run.

We reached the end of the hallway and skid to a stop at a door. It was made of metal and had a bar going across it. The bar looked like it was attached to some sort of mechanism.

Pyro approached the door and used her magic to try to open it. CP paced back and forth while we waited. After about a minute of us waiting and Pyro concentrating, Pyro let out a huff of frustration. "It's locked! My magic isn't working on it, I don't know how to open it."

"Was it locked before?"

"No!" CP cried out in fear.

I stepped up to the door and studied it closely. I thought of an Equestrian spell I'd read in one of the books I used to own. If I remembered it correctly then it should open the door... I concentrated on casting the spell. It took me a few tries, but the spell finally worked. The mechanism clicked and groaned and the bar lifted up. I used my normal magic to open the door and me and my friends rushed out into the sunlight.

"How did you do that?" Pyro questioned.

"I'll explain later," I mumbled as I scanned the area. It looked like we were on the top of a small hill. In the distance on the right I could see snow-capped mountains while on the left was a dense forest.

  "We should get moving. I don't know how long it will take for that- that- thing to recover," Pyro said as she looked back at the hallway we'd just left.

"Definitely," CP said while nodding his head vigorously.

"We should go the forest. Nice Changelings live in forests," I said while gesturing to the forest. I spread my wings but froze when I realized something.

"What is it?" Pyro asked.

"M-my book," I stammered. I whipped around and galloped back over to the doorway. "I forgot my book!"

"No! Ambrosia! Leave it!" I barely heard Pyro call after me as I ran down the hallway.


~ p̾y̾r̾o̾ ~

  "She's crazy!" I snarled while turning around to look at CP. His pink eyes were wide with shock.
  "I didn't realize she cared about it so much."

  "She thinks it's gonna be some epic thing that everyone is gonna have one day." I snorted. "I don't understand scientists. She is literally risking our lives for some stupid book." I turned around and glared at the doorway. "You know what? I tried once to help her, I'm not going in there again." I spread my wings and launched myself into the air, heading towards the forest. I hovered in the sky once I realized CP didn't follow me. "Come on, let's get somewhere safe."

  He was staring intensely at the doorway. He very slowly looked up at me. "No."


  He jumped to his hooves and trotted over to the doorway. "I said no. I'm going after her. Leave if you want. I'm going to make sure she doesn't get hurt."

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