Chapter 4-The True Journey Begins...

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  After helping fix up the Spider Changeling's home—which we found out her name is Web—she helped us make a way to carry Samuel out of her silk. I looked over at End Glider and Qiakta as Web worked. Amazing. Two new species of Changeling! I would definitely have to add them to my book once I got my hooves on a quill and some ink.

  I looked back over at Samuel. He was tied down to a group of branches that were tied together by Web's silk. Right now, Web was making a sort of sling to put across our shoulders so we could drag him to the Butterfly Kingdom.

  The Butterfly Kingdom. I can't wait! The Butterfly Changelings are truly beautiful with their Butterfly wings. I first encountered one about a year ago and my oh my, even though he was a boy, he was just- beautiful! He said that he was considered ugly by his kind because he only had brown wings but they were every color of brown I could think of! I can't quite recall his name, something that started with a j I think, but maybe he would be there in the kingdom.

  I studied End Glider and Qiakta. Qiakta had wings that looked like grass in shape but were the color of a deep ocean; a nice dark blue. Her "mane" was also that color. While her eyes and armor were teal and her exoskeleton was a very dark brown. It was truly amazing how that little 'y' shape of her horn could hold a flame in it!

  While, End Glider on the other hoof, his exoskeleton was black and his eyes seemed to glow purple. His wings were a lighter, almost pinkish kind of purple. I wonder why he had those strange purple particles appear and disappear around him.

  "Done!" Web said triumphantly. I looked over at her. She held the sling in her front arms while her six other legs held her up. Yes, she has eight legs, that's why she is called a Spider Changeling. She had green bands on her legs but she was mostly brown and I assumed those colors helped her camouflage–most likely so her prey doesn't see her.

  "Thank you so much," Qiakta said with a grin.

  "Well, I guess I should say thank you to you too since you all helped me fix my home." Web mumbled.

  "Who will help me?" I asked while trotting over to the unconscious Samuel.

  "Help you with what?" End Glider questioned.

"Dragging Samuel."


"Yes, that's his name." I pointed at Samuel.

"That's a weird name."

"I know, right?" Excitement was creeping into my voice.

  "I'm not helping." Came a very angry voice. I looked over at Pyro who was glaring at me. I glared back.

  "I wasn't planning on letting you."

  "Oooookay, well, I'm fine with helping you, if you're okay with me helping you." End Glider interrupted.

"Excellent!" I grabbed a group of silk and threw it over my shoulders. End Glider did the same. End Glider started to trudge forward but wasn't getting very far. He pulled against the silk around his shoulders and neck but wasn't moving. I tried, too, but to no avail.

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