I am way faster than you lot!

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Recap: "Ok tomorrow after school I will take you to my earthbending teacher, they are great!" I said excitably. We walked off in our own directions of our dorms to have a peaceful night sleep before hell started tomorrow. (hell = school)


Sophia POV

School. Not many words can describe the feelings for school, I personally, well not hate it but strongly dislike school. Others well they like it but to me....walking up at 7am each morning to go to 7 hours of school then have to do a further 3 hours of Homework when you get home because 7 hours of work wasn't enough....isn't fun in my eyes. I suppose others could find joy in 10 hours of work.

"Come on, Sophia time to get up" Mizuki said (A/N I know Mizuki is a dragon but Sophia can undrstand animals and talk to them. They can understand her and talk back but to others it just sounds like 'blah blah blah')

"Alright fine!" I moaned while getting up and stretching. I trudged over to Onji's bed to wake her up. "Onji...Onji wake up....ONJI!" I said, shouting at the end

"What? I'm up..I'm up!" She said louder. I dragged her out of bed and she went to get changed, while I whipped up some Jasmine Tea. It's my favourite. I was wearing a Fire Nation school uniform. We all had to wear the school uniform of our nation, so me and Onji wore the fire nation, Sokka wore the water tribe, I think Aang is wearing water tribe as well. Earth benders would wear earth kingdom. I brew a cup for Onji as well as mine.


The sound of the warning bell blurred out into the school grounds signalling that we had 5 minutes to get to first period class, for me it was water bending with Master Paku, Onji had fighting skills with Master Piandoa. As I was walking down 'Water' corridor, I received dirty looks from a lot of the pupils probably because I was stupid enough to wear fire nation clothes. My walk turned into a jog as I neared the door, I knocked the door and walked inside. Safe to say...everyone stared at me. Master Paku looked at me, questionably as if to say 'why is a fire bender in a water bending classroom?'

"What are you doing here...fire bender?" A pupil said in disgust. I looked at the pupil.

"What do you think? I am here to learn water bending...duh" I retorted

"Only the avatar can master more than 1 element.....and you are a fire bender" Master Paku said.

"Well my mum was from the Northern water tribe.....the name Kiara Ledend, ring a bell?"

"Oh certainly it does, Ms Ledend....Queen Clarissa's Sister. Now what is your name, child" Master Paku said

"Sophia Master" I said honorably when I bowed, I looked up and everyone was staring at me "Oh did I do something wrong?" I asked confused

"Why did you bow?" Some boy a little older than said

"Ugh...well in the Fire Nation you are grew up to bow when confronted by elders and to say the national oath" I said

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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