Not much of a secret anymore?

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Chapter 2

Sophia POV

Recap: "Whoa! But Onji, can I trust you?" I am not going to tell me secret obviously. I know alot of stuff in fact I have read the entire Monks Library back at the NAT (Northern Air temple) and the entire library at the Sun Warrior village.


"Of course you can" She giggled. Breathe.....deep breaths.

"There is something I need to tell you? I don't know how you will take this but anyway please do not think any different of me" I pleaded

"Ok" She said quickly

"and don't tell anyone or anything...Promise?" I asked hopeful

"Promise" She said. I started to move my hair back and roll up my sleeves to show my arrows. She gasped when she saw them. "Y-you're an airbender" She squeaked

"Yes! but that is not it. Now please..I beg you don't tell anyone" I asked. Mention the Phoenix. Com'on you can do it.

"Ok, I won't tell anybody" Onji promised

"So tell me what you know about the 'Phoenix'?" I asked. Onji had a puzzled look on her face but proceeded to tell me about the in the bird.

"It is the bird of fir-" I cut her off

"Not the bird...the person. You know the fire bending prodigy." I said annoyed

"Oh right, well the Phoenix is the fire bending prodigy. He/she has not been seen in 5 years. Oh and no one knows where she was born or who taught her but people think it was Firelord Ozai" She said. Whoa society is so wrong...Firelord Ozai? Wait did she just say that I haven't been seen for 5 years....which means that I have been in the Legend state for 5 years. What?

"Wow! Society is wrong...firstly though about the am the Phoenix" I said hopefully she will believe me.

"Hmm...prove it? Because to me you do not look 17 years old" I nodded and started bending. Firstly doing doing basic tricks, then I started shooting different colours of bending; Purple, blue and black. And finally doing my signiture move....the fire breathing dragon. I heard her gasp. "So you're the Phoenix.....wait then how come you have air bending tattoos?" She confusingly asked

"Oh that's because I am the Legend...the guardian of the Avatar. He was suppose to be born into the Air Nomads. And before you ask how I survived 5 years. It was because I was told that I was the Legend when I was 12 and I still am 12 but I couldn't handle it and I ran away from the North Pole, after I had completed most of my water bending training but was knocked off my flying Bison in a storm and ended up in an ice berg that my Legend state had triggered, when I woke up, my ice berg had melted and I was at the shore of the earth kingdom. Monk Pymea taught me air bending, she was very old when I learnt it so I think she ..ugh...died" I said. Once I had finished my emotional speech, my eyes wandered off the Onji and widened when I saw she was crying. "Ugh..why are you crying?" I asked

"Because it was so emotional and you have sort of betrayed the Fire Nation" She said

"Technically I have yes, but they have betrayed the fire nation themselves by slaughtering almost all the dragons, the true fire benders, our strength, and killing the Air Nomads. Are you a bender?" I said

"What do you mean by almost? and no I am not but I am a master in throwing knives and stuff; arrows, swords, daggers." she said confitdently

"Well I said almost because I know for a fact that there are 3 dragons and 1 of them is very close to you" I teased when I saw the look of shock on her face, I burst out laughing. "It's okay to come out, Mizuki" I said, my voice echoing around the room. I soon saw a small dragon crawl out from my bag and fly over to me.

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