I do not like that secretary *insert sassy tone*

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Third POV

Aang had just landed Appa on a farm on the outskirts of Omashu, in a barn were he could be peaceful. He grabbed his glider and flew off in the direction of the school. When he arrived at the school he saw many kids, all different sizes and ages but instead of mingleing he went straight to the registration and signed in.

Name: Aang Giatso

Age: 12

Nationality: Air Nomad

DOB: 26 September.

He handed his form in to the secretary, who didn't believe that he was an Air Nomad so he walked into the office and uncovered his arrow, his proof of his identity.

"Oh my god! Your an Air Nomad" She squealed

"Please don't tell anyone I am here to learn the history of my people?" he said, it was half the truth but not all, the secretary nodded and promised to keep his secret.

"Okay then...here is your room key and timetable" the secretary said handing him the stuff. He walked off looking at the key;


"Room 67, Boys dormitory, floor 2" he muttered to himself quietly. He started walking westward to the dormitory, carrying his 2 small bags and his staff. As he neared his room, he bumped into a tall person, male obviously.

"Watch it!" HE snapped, Aang gulped at his sudden burst of anger and shook it away when the boy left. He carried on walking until he stopped at room 67, he took his key out of his old, air nomad clothing at punched it in the keyhole. He turned it counter-clockwise until he heard a click, which signalled to him that he opened it. Aang pushed it forward and moved inside.

"Hello?" Aang voice echoed inside the fairly large room, it had an en-suite bathroom, 2 beds, 2 desks and chairs and accessories. As he turned to look in the bathroom, an older boy - maybe 2/3 years older walked out. "Hello, I'm Aang" Aang said cheerfully

"Heyo...I'm Sokka" Sokka said. They mingled for while until they knew eachother well enough to become friends. They explored the room a bit more while they unpacked. "So what are you studying? I'm doing warrior work stuff and general classes" Sokka asked

"Oh I'm..ugh...you know studying...urm....Air Nomad history?" Aang questioned

"Really? I didn't know they did that here" sokka enquired. By the time they had unpacked everything, it was at least 10pm so they decided they would go to sleep.

Sophia POV (Remember this is 'The legend'

I was flying over the city of Omashu, hidden in a cloud, to get to the school I am going to go to. Anyway as I was saying I was flying but I had made it clear that Mimi, my Sky Bison, was going to stay in a barn just outside the city until I had mastered earth and fire. As I dropped Mimi off I waved one last goodbye before walking the rest of my journey to the school with my staff, Monk Pymea made me. She also taught me everything I know about air bending and the dragons taught me fire and gave me my tattoos when I made my first original move, the spring, it is literally just a bounce help. With all the thinking I was doing I hadn't realised that I had arrived at the school, so I got in line at registered. Filling in the forms;

Name: Sophia Pymea


Nationality: Fire Nation

DOB: 26th Janurary

I handed my form in and the secretary wasn't too pleased with my answer to the 'nationality' question but who cares. Looks like someone hates the Fire Nation. I put Pymea has my surname because a lot people know my dad, King Honshu.

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