I do not know who you are?

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Recap: "Oh I am from the Southern Water Tribe....where are you from?"

"I'm from Gaoling in the Bei Fong estate" She said


"That's nice but where did you learn to earthbend like that?" I questioned her

"Bagermoles taught since they are blind as well. I use my other senses to see. I could tell you if anyone was lying or telling the truth." She said. This took me by surprise

"Whoa! That's impressive and I'm sorry for judging you because you're blind" I said seriously

"No bother I'm used to it" She pushed it off like it was no big deal. They chatted for a while until they knew each other well enough to become best friends. "So are you a bender?" she finally asked

"Yeah but you are looking at the only water bender in the entire south pole" She said

"Wow...I thought the south pole was full of benders?" She asked, I nodded but then remembered she couldn't see so I answered.

"Yeah it was but that was before the war" I whispered.

"Oh right well let's unpack then head to the canteen for supper?" Toph reasoned.

"Ok..." I said

Aang POV

"hey do you want to compare our timetables, Sokka?" I asked him

"Ok so I have..." Sokka started to read out his timetable

Sokka Timetable

Period 1- Warrior drills

Period 2- General training

Period 3- General training


Period 4- PE

Period 5-PE

Period 6-Geography

Period 7-Maths


Period 8-English

Period 9-History

Period 10-Study

"Oh that's what you meant by general stuff I thought you meant like maths, english that sort of stuff" I said confusingly, Sokka laughed then turned to me.

"So what's your timetable?" He asked nosily

"Oh yea so I have...." I said starting to read off of the flimsy piece of paper

Aang Timetable

Period 1- fire bending

Period 2- fire bending

Period 3- earth bending


Period 4- earth bending

Period 5-PE

Period 6-Geography

Period 7-Maths


Period 8-English

Period 9-History

Period 10-Study

"Why are you doing fire and earth? Are you from the Fire Nation?" Sokka asked furiously

"What no! My dad wants me to experience different and anyway what's wrong with the Fire Nation?" I asked, Sokka gasped "I guess something big then?"

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