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Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or either of its characters. All credits to the author.

Yuki was patroling as usual. It was still early in the morning and the headmaster had asked her to check the academy early since too many changes had been happening lately.

The sky was very cloudy as she walked down the hallway and looked through the big window that aligned it.

"Hm. It seems like a storm is coming."  She thought to herself while continuing to walk down the hall.

Yuki had always loved the rain. The sound of raindrops falling and the smell of wet soil brought comfort to her. However, she couldn't say the same for thunder. She simply hated thunder. So loud and unpredictable.

She was still sleepy even though it was 10 and had already drank a cup of coffee before starting her patrol. Last night she stayed on patroling duty till late and that didn't help her adjusting to her new sleeping schedule.

However, sleeping wasn't the only thing in her mind. It had been a week since she reawakened as the pureblood princess. So many happened that day. Too much to process.

After her awakening, Yuki was given the option to go with Kaname or stay in the academy. She really didn't wanted to go, even as a princess, she still was young and had a life. She knew that her decision was selfish, but something in her heart told her not to go. She was attached to the academy, to her previous life somehow, but didn't quite knew how or why.

Since that day, she had barely seen Zero. When Yuki had made up her mind to go with Kaname, she went to say goodbye to Zero. She didn't expect for her best friend to kiss her right there in front of Kaname.

Even though Kaname saw everything, he still insisted on Yuki leaving and going with him. In that moment her heart was pounding too fast to think clearly.

With the new discoveries of Zero's feelings, she was left more confused than before. That's why she decided to stay. To recover her life and discover her own feelings.

She was so lost in thought, that she barely noticed she was still walking. Suddenly, she bumped into someone. The person was noticeably taller and stronger than Yuki since she fell to the floor at collision.

"Ouch. I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!" Yuki desperately tried to apologize while rubbing her lower back.

She looked up to see who had she so clumsyly bumped into. To her surprised, she saw a tall, slender figure with silver hair and piercing, purple eyes.

Even more surprisingly, was seeing him extend his hand to help Yuki up. She reached out her smaller hand, hesitant, that if she said or do something wrong, he'd walk away and leave her.

Yuki held his hand and he pulled her up with ease. The moment she stood up, Yuki had stumbled with her own feet and he had instinctively caught her.

She could feel herself surrounded by strong arms, as she rested her head on his chest, confused in what to do next. His scent filled her nose and mind with memories. He smelled good and was warm. A warmth she missed so damn much.

She pulled back slowly to meet with a pair of sharp purple eyes. They were looking at her just as he had looked at her before, but something had changed. He looked... disappointed and... sad.

"...Z-Zero..." Yuki managed to say in a soft voice. The same voice she used to talk to Zero when she was comforting him.

He didn't say anything. He was hesitating to speak at all. Zero just kept staring at her. Yuki could feel as if he was piercing through her soul with those sad looking eyes. She had to talk with him, even knowing that she had turned into what he most hated in the entire world.

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