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"Hey Minghao you know I really love you right?"

"Ya Jun, I know. You know I really love you too right?"

"I know." I smiled at him while enjoying his presence. We were currently cuddling on my bed while watching lilo and stitch.

It was more of having lilo and stitch as a background noise because instead of paying attention to the movie, we were paying attention to each other instead.

"Minghao, would you be mad if I moved away from here?" I questioned him.

"As long as it's not far from me." He replied with a smile. At this point we were practically heart eye emojis by the way we were staring at each other.

"You know we're getting out of college soon." I pushed out my bottom lip slightly, "I hope we don't miss each other too much."

"We won't I swear! I would travel 10 hours just to see you for one, I promise." He looked into my eyes again and laughed.

"You're so cheesy, I love it. Except we kinda sound like Vernon and Seungkwan right now don't we?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes we totally do it's weird." He replied while chuckling.

I pecked his lips out of habit. I couldn't help it, he was just too cute when he laughed. Actually, scratch that, he was too cute when he did anything.

Our foreheads touched as we looked into each other's eyes. Minghao spoke, "what are you thinking about?"

"Just wondering how I managed to get such a perfect boyfriend." I smirked at him. This time it was his turn to take a kiss from me.

The kisses slowly turned more meaningful and passionate, as they usually do.

I stopped him to say, "we should move into a house together."

"You think about the future too much Jun." He frowned.

"What's wrong with that?" My smile also turned to a frown.

"Nothing, it's just... I was wondering if..." He stopped talking, "never mind, it's stupid."

"No tell me!" I frantically spoke. "I won't judge! I would never judge you!"

Minghao's eyes shifted awkwardly and his voice came out in a whisper, "I just wanted to know if you thought about the future with me forever in it with you."

I burst out laughing at the fact he was so embarrassed to ask that. "Minghao! Of course I think of us together! Why were you so scared to ask that?"

"Because I wasn't sure! Don't laugh you said you wouldn't judge me!"

"I just thought you knew that I wanted us to always be together and thought it was funny, I'm not judging I was just surprised babe."

I saw Minghao's cheeks turn a shade of red after I called him babe. "You're so damn cute! Stop that!"

"Stop what!"

"Being adorable! You know I can't take it! I think my heart is gonna burst out my chest at any moment now!" I held my hand to my heart as if it was hurting.

"I can't help it Jun, please don't die we still have so many things to do together! Like ride a Ferris wheel and kiss at the top." He exclaimed while placing his hand on top of my hand that was placed on my chest in attempt to stop my heart from exploding.

"Hey you know the fair is in town tonight?" I smiled and looked at him wide-eyed.

"Really?!" He perked up. "We need to go, Jun! We can ride the Ferris wheel like I said!" He smiled his widest smile and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Go home and get dressed, I'll pick you up and take us there." I told him.


Later I took a shower and attempted to style my hair up with gel in a way that was sure to impress Minghao.

As soon as I was sure I looked perfect for our date, I walked out the door while popping a mint in my mouth.

I walked to the door and rang the doorbell, I waiting nervously. Although it had been years since I first asked him out, this still felt as if I were taking him on our first date.

The knob on the door turned slowly as I exhaled preparing to see the most beautiful man I would ever meet.

He was as astonishing as I thought he would be, he never failed to impress me. "Minghao you look so beautiful."

"And you look hot yourself, Jun." he winked at me and laughed. "Let's go!"

I drove to the fair with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his skinny thigh that I loved so much.

The car ride was short and the closer we got, the more excited Minghao was to get on every ride.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" He shouted as we walked towards the entrance together.

As we walked around playing all the booth games and winning stuffed animals together, it didn't feel like we were just some random couple like strangers would view us as. For a moment I thought we were the only two there.

As we stepped in line for our last ride of the night, I stood behind him with my arms attached loosely around his neck and my chin resting on his hair. I wasn't sure if the judgmental looks we received were from the way I was hugging him, or the look on Minghao's face as he tried to contain his excitement for the ride, either way I could care less, as long as I was here with him it didn't matter.

We stepped to the front of the line towards the two person seat and strapped ourselves in.

The wheel inched closer to the very top just like our bodies inched closer at every stop.

When we finally had a view of the surroundings below us we took it all in then proceeded to look into each other's eyes.

Of course I had to ruin the perfect moment by saying, "I think this is the part where we kiss."

Minghao laughed at my statement and slowly leaned in, not caring about my awkward talking.

There's no way anything like this could be real, I mean, here I am kissing my perfect boyfriend at the top of a Ferris wheel. Nothing gets better than this. I thought to myself as time practically stopped while kissing him.

walk with me// junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now