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Jun's POV

Winter break couldn't have come sooner. The whole class anticipated this to come, and soon enough it did.

Although I knew I had nothing to do over the break except sit at home and watch Netflix, I was still overjoyed that I got a break from this tiring school.

School seemed like it was taking it's good time to make us stay here longer. It felt like the break wouldn't start anytime soon.

Before long, first block ended, then came second, and finally came third block.

 Third block soon became my favorite class. Mainly because I loved to play soccer, but also because I got to see Minghao almost every day.

Since it was the day before break our coach decided we needed a day off so we went to his classroom and hung out there playing video games on the Xbox that Mingyu brought for us to use.

Halfway through our game of Call of Duty, we heard the door open and laughter peeking through.

I turned around to look sing Minghao smiling brightly and walking my way.

To my fortune, the basketball and soccer coaches are close friends so the two teams hung out on occasions.

"Hey Minghao! You don't have practice today?"

Minghao sat next to me on the ground and replied, "Nope, coach decided to go easy on us today."

"That's nice." I handed him my controller, "you wanna play?"

He gladly took the controller and resumed the game, to my surprise he was amazing and ended up with the most kills out of the four of us playing.

We kept playing games until the bell was about to ring. I packed my bag and waited for Minghao to get ready.

"Hey let's hang out after school.", Minghao stated.

I was taken back by the sudden statement but quickly agreed, "Ya, s-sure."

We walked together to our last class in silence until we parted ways.

Minghao texted me agreeing to meet up by my car near the outside of the locker room doors.

I was secretly trying to hold my excitement, I mean who knew Minghao would ask me to hang out with him instead of me asking first.

After class I walked out to my car seeing Minghao standing by my car smiling and waving.

"Took you long enough. I thought you would never come out of the school." He chuckled and got into the passengers seat.

"Oh shut up. Be glad I'm even driving you anywhere.", We both laughed at what I said. "By the way, where are we even going?"

Minghao looked puzzled and said, "I didn't think that part out."

I looked at him with my mouth slightly opened, "So you're telling me you asked me to go somewhere and you don't even know where?"

Minghao looked at me with an innocent face and nodded making me laugh. "You're adorable."

"Well I'm hungry so we're going to eat okay."

He smiled and nodded like a little kid. 

I drove to Chick-fil-a and we went inside, "Jun! It's too crowded in here!"

"Your right. Do you want to order then go back to my house and watch a movie or something while we eat?"

He nodded back at me in reply. While ordering Minghao stood behind me and tiredly rested his head on my shoulder making my heart race.

When we got to my house we went upstairs and sat on the couch together, we sat close but left enough space in between us.

I turned on Netflix and started a comedy movie. We ate and watched in silence until I looked over to see Minghao thinking about something, not focused on the movie.

I paused the movie and put my hand on his knee saying, "Hey, what's wrong?"

He stayed silent for a moment until saying, "I think I want to tell you something."

My heart raced at the thought of what he had to say. Stop getting excited. Its not like he's gonna confess, I said to myself.

"Don't laugh or anything, but I thought I should tell you since we're friends and all..."

My heart sunk at the word friends because I knew well enough that I wanted to be more.

"Go on." I said interested in what he had to say.

"I-...I'm bisexual." Minghao said quickly. He looked up to me to see if I had anything to say but, being the stupid one I am, I stayed quiet.

"That's okay if you don't accept it... I think I should just go."

He got up walking past me and to the stairs. I got up and grabbed his hand, turning him around.

While looking each other in the eyes I stated "I'm bi too... I think."

He smiled wide and hugged me so tight that I thought I would burst. I grabbed his hand and sat him back down on the couch.

"You're the first one I've said that too." I said shyly.

"Really? That's adorable. I'm glad I'm the first one."

We sat in awkward silence for what felt like forever until I picked up my pride and figured I would finally say what has been on my mind ever since I met him.

"I like you." We said in unison.

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