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Junhui's POV

I woke up this morning feeling happy because it was a Saturday. Vernon had invited me to hang out with him at his house and stay the night. I got up and dressed in casual clothing. I packed my bag and told my mom I was leaving.

I drove to Vernon's house and knocked on the door. Someone, I guessed to be his mom, answered the door and invited me in. "Vernnie! Your friend is here!" "Hey Jun come upstairs!" I heard Vernon yell back. I walked upstairs seeing Vernon sitting on the bed with that boy named Seungkwan.

"Hey Vernnie!" I jokingly said to him. He told me to shut up and sit down so I did. "Why is boo boy here?" I asked Vernon getting a disgusted look from Kwan. Vernon sighed and said "He somehow found out I was inviting you over and wouldn't let me cheat of his homework till I invited him over too."

I gave a confused face then shook it off pretending I wasn't that creeped out. We sat there for a couple minutes none of us knowing what to say till Seungkwan spoke up "Are we just gonna sit here or?" Vernon realized we were bored and he said "Let's go play some fifa on the xbox!" 

We sat down on his couch grabbing the controllers. "There's only two controllers sorry Seungkwan." 

"I didn't wanna play your stupid soccer game anyway" Seungkwan put on a pouty face and crossed his arms. That made Vernon give in and say "Fine we can take turns." 

Seungkwan was back to smiling again looking satisfied at what Vernon said. 

We were enjoying our game of fifa when I then got the idea of asking Seungkwan about that basketball boy.

"Hey Boo!" I said and he groaned a "what" obviously more invested in the game than he was listening to what I had to say.

"You're on the basketball team right?" 

"Ya, why?" Seungkwan replied a little concerned to where I was going with this.

"What's the name of the blonde boy?"

"There's a lot of blonde boys who are you talking about?"

I wasn't sure how to explain who he was without using words that would make Seungkwan think I was into him so I said "Never mind I'll find it out myself."

We got tired of playing games so Vernon turned the TV off and turned around and looked at us. He was waiting for someone to suggest something when Seungkwan yelled "Let's play truth or dare!"

"With just the three of us? Don't we need more people?" I asked "No. This will be fun trust me!" Seungkwan replied.

We sat in a circle and Seungkwan asked first "Um... Vernon! Truth or dare" "Truth." "Do you like anyone?"

Vernon thought for a minute then replied "Nope." Seungkwan gave him an unsure look. 

Vernon asked me truth or dare and I said truth to be on the safe side "Do you like boys or girls?" I wasn't sure how to answer that because sometimes I thought boys were cute but I just guessed it was a stage. "I like girls." I told them.

I asked Seungkwan truth or dare and he replied dare so I thought for a second. I looked at both Vernon and Seungkwan and thought they look like a good couple. I then thought of a dare and smirked.

"I dare you two to kiss." I smiled at them and they both looked at me with a horrified look.

"Are you kidding! You want me to kiss-" he looked Vernon up and down then looked at me "that?"

I nodded and smirked and Vernon said "It's just a dare stop being so dramatic Boo. Just get it over with." I was a little surprised about his eagerness but I went along with it.

Seungkwan looked at Vernon not sure what to do. Vernon started leaning in. Seungkwan quickly shut his eyes and closed his mouth tight. 

Vernon was almost an inch away from Seungkwan's lips when he opened his eyes and looked at Seungkwan. Seungkwan was wondering what was talking so long so he opened his eyes to see Vernon in front of him.

Seungkwan was unsure of what to do and I sat there confused as to why Vernon stopped so close to his face. 

Seungkwan furrowed his brows, looked at Vernon's confused face, then closed his eyes and smashed his lips against Vernon's.

I stared blankly watching them make out. I cleared my throat to make them aware there was another person in the room.

They both stopped their make-out session and looked at me with their faces still close to each other.

"I'm kinda tired. We should sleep it's pretty late." I said to them. Vernon looked at Seungkwan and nodded his head.

"I have a bed but it only fits two and I wasn't planning for another person to come so one of us will sleep on the couch." Before Vernon could say anything else I volunteered to sleep on the couch not wanting to separate the two.

We changed into pajamas and set up pillows and blankets. I'm not sure what Seungkwan and Vernon were doing on the bed but I fell asleep quickly after I lied down. 

The next morning I woke up to see Kwan curled in a ball and Vernon with an arm laying over Seungkwans body. 

I didn't want to wake them up so I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs. I told Vernon's mom they were still asleep and that I needed to go because my mom told me to come home.

It was a fake excuse but after seeing those two kiss each other so passionately I decided they needed to be left alone.

I got home and did my homework so I had it for tomorrow. I fell asleep with the cute boy from basketball flooding my mind.


Hey kittens! Thanks for reading this chappie :))

sorry about the lack of junhao. just wanted to put a little filler chapter for verkwan lovers ;)

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