WIRN~ March 21,2014

327 3 0

Title: Outside- a post apocalyptic novel

Author: shaliniboland


Status: incomplete


The future is divided by Perimeters: high-security gated communities where life goes on as normal. If you're inside you're lucky. If you're outside, life expectancy takes a nose dive.

Riley is fortunate to have been born on the right side of the fence. But her life of privilege comes crashing down when someone breaks through and murders her sister.

She forsakes her own safety to go in search of the killer. But what awaits her outside is more unbelievable that she ever imagined.

* * *

I'll upload a chapter a week. The rest of the Outside Series is complete, and available on Amazon, Apple, B&N, Kobo and most other places.

It's awesome I'm not really into these kinds of stories but I really like it. Put aside your preconceptions about this genre and give it a try!!

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