WIRN -Feb. 14, 2014

509 6 0

Title: 5:48

Author: anchoredships

Status: completed

Rated: PG


Life is a bitter cup of pure black coffee, with stormy waves crashing against the surface as it tries to pull you under. That dark sea can devour and break you, sinking your ship into the lonely depth like those insoluble bits of roasted beans at the bottom of a coffee cup. Sometimes, you need strangers (your sugar) and a place to call home (your milk) to stay anchored in the cup's treacherous waters; and that's what café 5:48 is here for. This is where life moves on and life stops; where love falls and love breaks; where beginnings end and ends begin; where little things become big things and big things become little things. 5:48 café is now brewing, and all that's left is for you to drop the anchor. Welcome Home, sailor.

I just finished this and it is the best story on wattpad that I've read. It's just amazing you have to read it. It's really deep and it talks about life a lot and in some ways it's spiritual, but overall it made me look at life in a whole different perspective. You are AMAZING @anchoredships!

Happy valentines day everyone!!!!!

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