Sleepover part 3

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The next morning Beca woke up to an empty bed. She fell back asleep until the smell of bacon and eggs filed the room and soon jumped out of bed. She walked into the kitchen where she saw Chloe cooking. "Morning Beca" "morning Chloe" soon the food was ready to be eaten Beca had never tested food so good "omg Chloe this is the best!" Chloe chucked and said thank you.

The pair had a good time and Beca when home around lunch because she had to do some lesson planning so did Chloe so they decided to call it the weekend.

A/n I'm sorry this is short I kind of ran out of ideas so this is just a filler I'll next update when I get 4 votes and 2 comments see you then ~ Erin

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