Chapter 10

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I was in my room under the covers the whole time. I heard the front door open and I heard my dads voice call me. "Mackenzie?" he asked. "Where are you?" he asked. Kay was in the living room playing with Brownie. "She's in her room." she faintly said sniffing deeply. Dad nodded and walked back to where I was. Jake was with him and he slowly followed behind. "Mack?" dad said knocking on my door. I never answered him. I just layed there. Motionless. He walked in and told Jake to wait in the hallway. Jake nodded and walked backward into the wall and waited on dad. "Sweetie. Jake told me everything. Why didn't you just come to me?" he asked me. "Huh?" he asked again. "I don't know." I said softly. He sat on the bed beside me. "What now sweetie?" he said.  "I didn't want anyone to get hurt. OK?" I sat up yelling at him. "What was he going to do to you?" he asked. "He hurt me, he'll hurt you guys too." I said begining to cry. He came closer and held me in his arms. "Shh. It's okay sweetie. I have you now. It's fine. Get your clothes on and get ready to leave in 5 minutes. OK?" he said to me. "For what?" I asked. "You'll see honey." he said. He got up and walked out of the room. Telling Jake it was OK for him to come inside. "Hey baby. You OK?" he asked. "Yes. I'm just about to get ready." I told him. He nodded and sat down on the bed. I walked over to my closet and picked out a top and then some pants and sandals. I put them on and headed out of my room and into the living room where Kay and dad where.  "Ready?" dad asked. "Yes." I said. Kay opened the door and let me and Jake out first. We got to the car and sat in the backseat. Dad and Kay followed behind after setting the alarm and locking the door. "I want to know where we're going please." I said. "We can't say yet." dad said.

It took 30 minutes to get to our destination. The car came up and I saw a sign that said; "North Police Station 2311"   "Are you guys kidding me?" I asked everyone. Kay didn't turn around and neither did dad. Jake looked at me with worry in his eyes. "We don't want him to hurt you anymore Mack." Jake said. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. So did Kay, dad, and Jake. We all walk into the building together and there are police men everywhere. Dad went up to the main desk in the middle of the room and went to talk to the lady at the desk. "Hi. I'm here to talk to Officer Murray. About my daughter and her ex-boyfriend David Watson." dad said to her. She nodded her head and opened a huge book and scanned for God knows what. "Ah. Yes. I see. You guys need to go down that hall and go the the first door on the left." she said pointing to the left. "Thank you." dad said to her. She smiled and went back to her work. I followed behind dad and Kay, while holding on to Jakes hand. Every inch we get closer to the room, the tighter I hold Jakes hand. "Babe. Calm down. It's fine." he said smiling to me. We finally got to the room. Room 10. Dad knocks on the door and a man opens it up. "Ah. You must be Mackenzies dad. Please come in." he said moving over to let us come in. "Sorry I only have two chairs." he said. "That's fine." dad said. "Mack why don't you and Jake sit down, since you know the most. OK?" dad said to us. We both nodded and sat down. I'm still holding on to his hand with all my might.

"Ok. So I take it that you and your ex-boyfriend never really got along in the past. Am I right?" he asked.

"Yes sir." I said.

"And he always use to hit you?"

I nodded my head.

"So did he ever threaten to kill you?" he asked

"Yes. Yes he did." I told him. I looked down and felt bad. But I knew it was the right thing to do.

He nodded and went down and wrote on his pad. "Have you ever tried to fight back?"

"Yes. I never win though. He is always too strong."

"I see. And he has been to jail before. Right?"


"OK. Well this is what we must do. You have court in 3 days. You don't have to tell the judge what happend. I will give him all the information on what has been happening between you. The judge will decide if he should go to jail for life, or be exicuted. OK?" he said.

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