
69 2 0


Girlfriend - NAO
I'm so Groovy - Future
Beamer, Benz, or Bentley - Lloyd Banks


I woke up something unfamiliar; someone shaking me awake.

I groaned, turning to see Nick standing over me.

"Nick? What are you doing in here? What time is it?"

"It's 4, but that's not the point," He shoved his phone screen in my face. "Look."

I closed my eyes, rubbing them and letting them adjust to the light of the phone screen.

When I looked, I was shocked to see a YouTube video posted by Jake Paul, titled 'We Made A Mistake...'.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Just watch." He replied.

The video started with Jake saying "whatever happens, happens. Just know that I love you guys." And then his regular intro I'm guessing.

I kept watching and Jake explained the whole 'Nayeli coming to Team 10?!' thing by being a complete asshole, and I was in shock to say the least.

He made it seem like I was the bad guy. I didn't even know these people!

"I love you guys more than anything and you know I'd never lie to you. We honestly didn't know how much drama Nayeli would make out of this, and if we did we wouldn't have asked her to join Team 10. She's probably making so much money off of the views this whole situation has gotten her on YouTube."

I stopped watching after that.

This is the first time I've dealt with social media drama, and its overwhelming to say the least. It's not something I'm used to and I don't ever want to be.

"I don't want to watch this." I said to Nick, shoving his phone back to him and going to my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, put on my workout clothes, and went to the gym. At 4 in the morning? Yes, you can bet your ass I did. I needed to work off some steam. And my morning runs wouldn't cut it this time. (The gyms not open at 4 in the morning but whatever).

No one was there (obviously) but I put on my Beats, played some heavy rap music and went hard.


I ended up leaving at about 6 and went back to the house. I was surprised to see Rain awake.

"Nordan? Why you up?" I asked.

"Nick went around the house and woke everyone up to watch some stupid video."

"Oh," I replied. "That video."

He nodded. "You should make a diss track."

"A what?" I asked.

"You know, like Rice Gum. He makes diss tracks to other YouTubers."

"Nah I'm not about that. I don't bully other people to make money, but clearly the same can't be said about this Jake guy." I grabbed a water out of the fridge.

"Cmon, you could seriously roast the shit out of him. At least think about it."

I shook my head. "Nordan I'm not a bully."

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