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Today I was doing something I never thought I would be able to do.

I was going to the Billboard Music Awards.

I know right?

Me, a simple YouTuber from Texas.

I was allowed to bring one person with me and I chose Alex. All the guys were kinda upset because it was a huge deal. Gamers never get to go to events like this. But I was an exception because I was pretty popular on Instagram for multiple reasons. I have about 15 million followers now.

My publicist was having me go to some place to get fitted for my outfit. She told me prior that I wouldn't be wearing a dress. Instead, I'd be more casual because I'm not that well known yet. She told me to tell Alex to come too because he'd need to match me.

When I asked him to go with me, he literally almost started screaming. And if you've seen the Skrt the Turtle video on Rains channel, you'd know how bad I wanted to hear him scream. It's like a hyena.

My phone started ringing and I saw my agents name come up on the screen. I sighed, not really wanting to deal with whatever she had to tell me. Its almost always bad news.

"Hello?" I answered casually.

"Nayeli, its Melanie. I have some good news for you."

I sat up in my bed with a confused look on my face.


"Lots of makeup brands have called me and want to do brand deals with you for your YouTube videos. So you'll be sent free products almost every week and you'll just have to make videos about them."

I rolled my eyes. "If this requires me to lie to my viewers I'm out."

"No, you'd just have to give honest opinions. But please, don't COMPLETELY butcher them."

"Fine, is that it?"

"Yes, and you might want to make a new channel for these videos. We wouldn't want you to lose gaming viewers."

"Alright. I have to leave for my fitting. Goodbye Melanie."

"Alright, have fun tonight! Don't forget to talk to all the interviewers!"

I hung up and showered, blow dried my hair and put it in a bun, and threw on joggers and a baggy shirt. I slipped on my Gucci slides, grabbed my keys and my phone, and went to Alex's room.

"Alex, we gotta go hurry up!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He said.

I walked to my car and Alex questioned why.

"I miss driving my car. We always take the GTR."

"Fine by me." He shrugged, getting in the passengers seat to my car.

My phone automatically connected to the Bluetooth so I went to SoundCloud and pressed shuffle on my playlist, the song Pray For Em by Meek Mill coming on.

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro," I sang along, looking at Alex. "FREE EL CHAPO!"

Alex laughed and took out his phone to record me on snapchat.

"Pray to my god we don't go to the feds, we don't go to the feds. I pray all this money won't go to my head, won't go to my head." I sang along, knowing all the words.

"That's going on my story," he laughed.

I shrugged. "Fine by me." I laughed, mocking him.


The awards show was fun, but Alex and I agreed we felt like outcasts the whole time. We were the only YouTubers there.

I did all the interviews I was instructed to, keep Alex with me the whole time. We got a lot of questions like 'are you two a couple?' but we both just dismissed them saying we're friends.

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