24| Do You Really Love Me

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Cyd's POV
That was really sweet of Naldo...but does he really mean it

As Cyd and Naldo were walking home something was bothering Cyd and Naldo was really concerned about her so they stopped walking and Naldo spoke


"Yes Naldo?" Cyd said turning so she could face him

"What's up?" Naldo asked taking a strand of her hair and placing it behind her ear

"I don't want to tell you...it kinda....stupid." Cyd said then Naldo laughed

"Anything you say can-"

"Do you love me?" Cyd asked then Naldo had a frown on his face

"Cyd what kind of question is that, of course I love you, why would you think that?" Naldo asked

"I don't know you did cheat on me." Cyd said hoping Naldo won't raise his voice

"Cydney Ripley you don't think I don't love you, when we been together for a year."

"Naldo, I need the truth...do you really love me?" Cyd said then Naldo just nodded his head and walked away leaving Cyd standing there in tears then she ran back to Shelby's house

At Shelby's house

As Cyd ran to Shelby's house she walked through the door and slid down the door leaving her red puffy eyes into her knees then Shelby came down next to her

"What's wrong why aren't you with Naldo?" Shelby asked then Cyd looked at Shelby

"I think Naldo hates me." Cyd said

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I asked him one stupid question and after I asked it again h-he just w-walked off." Cyd said then she laid her head on Shelby's lap and Shelby stoked her hair

"It ok." Shelby said

"No it's not, I don't think I want to be here."

"What do you mean?" Asked Shelby

"I mean I want to move to Peru." Cyd said then Shelby gasp

"What?!? No you can't." Shelby said

"What am I supposed to do I can't face Naldo tomorrow." Cyd said

"Cyd, I will have a talk with Naldo ok, but whatever you do don't move to Peru I will fix this." Shelby said

"Thanks Shelbs your a really good friend." Cyd said then she gave her a hug

"I know now go upstairs and clean your face, while I talk to Naldo." Shelby said then she went outside and walked to Barry's lab

With Naldo and Shelby

As Shelby walked into Barry's lab Barry was asleep on the couch and then Naldo was just sitting on the chair next to the couch and Shelby walked to Naldo and slapped him

"Owe what was that for?" Naldo asked in a whisper

"Why did you break Cyd's heart?" Asked Shelby

"What do you mean?" Naldo asked

"I mean why did you yell at her you know she hates yelling." Shelby said

"What I didn't yell at her she asked a question that I thought was kinda non sense." Naldo said

"What was the question she asked?" Shelby asked

"She asked the question Do you love me." Naldo said

"Well is it true?" Shelby asked

"Why does everyone think I don't love Cyd," Naldo said then he walked out

What do you think will happen next and I am kinda getting some ideas back in my head and sorry if it crappy I did my best anyway I hope you loved it ok bye

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