14| Diary On The Lose

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I can't believe Naldo asked me to the dance I'm so excited

"I can't believe Naldo asked you to the dance." Shelby said as she squealed

"Shelby it's just a dance don't make a big deal out of it." Cyd said walking out then Avery ran up to them

"Guys we have a big emergency." Avery said as she freaked out

"What is it sis?" Cyd asked

"Someone stole my diary." Avery said then Cyd and Shelby looked at each other

"You had a diary?" They both said

"Yes and it has everything about me and Nathan and if anyone finds out that I like him I will die." Avery said

"Aves calm down it probably in the lost and found." Cyd said

"Well lets check." Shelby said then they walked to the lost and found

At the lost and found
As they arrived at the lost and found Avery was scanning through clothes and jackets and notebooks and pencils but no sign of a diary

"Guys it not here." Avery said

"Did you check your locker?" Cyd asked

"No." Avery said

"Well lets check then." Cyd said then they went to Avery's locker

"It's not here but I did find this note." Avery said

"Well open it." Shelby said then Avery opened it and she reads it

"I have your diary, stay away from Nathan, or I'll tell everyone you a nerd likes a popular. Sincerely Natalie." Avery read

"What she can't do that." Cyd said as she grabbed the note "where's that." Cyd said then Shelby stopped her

"Cyd there's no use we got to teach Avery how to stand up to herself you ready?" Shelby asked

"Ready, I thought Natalie finally decided to be my friend but I guess I was wrong.' Avery said wiping the tears from her eyes then continued walking with Shelby, cyd and cassidy to lunch

'Hey guys how's everyone today' Nathan says smiling mainly looking at Avery with caring eyes.

'Nathan, what are you doing with this nerd and her loser friends?' Natalie says smirking.

"Hey leave my sister alone!" Cyd said as she tried to jump on Natalie

"Wow your sister a weirdo," Natalie says looking Avery Laughing Then she grabbed Nathan by the arm and dragged him away


"Cyd watch your mouth." Shelby said

"Ok fine," Cyd said then Avery walked away then Cyd and Shelby ran up to Avery

"Just forget Natalie, She cold blooded." Shelby says comforting Avery

"Yea i just don't know why Natalie hates me." Avery says

"she hates you because her older sister hates me." Cyd says "and to be honest I Don't know what Naldo saw in that girl." Cyd says crossing her arms then someone covered her eyes with hands

"Guess who."

"is it Channing Tatum?" Cyd says messing with Naldo

"No guess again"

Wait a minute it's Naldo." Cyd said then Naldo uncovered her eyes and put his arm around Cyd

"yep so why is Avery crying?" Naldo asked

"Oh it's Natalie being a drama queen like always." Avery says

"aw don't listen to her she is just a Brat." Naldo says

"yea and don't worry we will find your diary." Cyd says


With Natalie

"Now i wonder what That little rug rat has written about In here." Natalie says the she laughed and Right before she opened the diary Nathan stopped her

"Should we really be looking in here?" Nathan asked

"Yes Nathan we're popular and she just a nerd," Natalie says

"That's it I Had enough of you, I want you to leave Avery and her friends alone." Nathan says then he grabs the diary and walks away


will Avery get her diary back? Will Natalie sabotage Avery? Find out in the next chapter

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