10| Kidnap scare (prt 1)

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Cyd's POV
I can't believe that sister of my own rival would kidnap my own sister

Naldo and Cyd took hours trying to figure out where Natalie has kept Avery, and they only had 3 hours left and then when they got there they saw an abandoned house and then they both got out

"There no way that she would keep my sister in that lousy piece of junk." Cyd said looking at Naldo


"Naldo stop it, Im going in." Cyd said then Naldo stopped Cyd right before she got in

"But you can't." Naldo said

"She my little sister I have to save her." Cyd said trying to get Naldo's hand off of her arm and she went in

Inside the house

As Cyd entered the house she saw pictures up on the wall with claw marks on the faces and broken piece of glass and wood so she looked around and finally had the gut to yell out something

"HELLO!" Cyd yelled and it echoed in the darkness "HELLO CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!" Cyd said then something came up from behind her and all Cyd could do was scream of fear which echoed inside and outside which made Naldo worried

"I need to see what's going on." Naldo said then he rushed out of the car and into the abandoned house and he have to admit it looked pretty scary so he did the same thing like Cyd did

"HELLO, LET THEM GO THIS INSTANT!" Naldo yelled in demand then a girl came down

"Well well well if it isn't Naldo, how you doing?" Bree said coming down which scared Naldo out

"I'm not here for you Bree I know you did something with Cyd and Avery where are they!?!" Naldo yelled

"I'm not telling you!" Bree said

"Now why not?" Naldo asked

"Because your with me now." Bree said then she did her evil laugh

"You little MONSTER!" Naldo said then he pushed Bree out of his way and went upstairs and entered a room so he made a quick phone call far away from the door as possible so he pulled out his phone and called Shelby and Shelby picked up at the 3rd ring

"Hello? Naldo you should be hanging with Cyd not calling me?" Shelby said over the phone

"Shelby thank you for answering I have something to tell you." Naldo said back over the phone

"What is it?" Shelby asked curiously

"Someone kidnapped  Avery then when Cyd tried to save her sister she got kidnapped  also and if I don't go in there before 5:30 am then she going to be dead and I can't live without her you have got to help me?" Naldo said

"WHAT!?! I'll be over in a second." Shelby said then she hung up

Cliffhanger.....what will happen find out on the next chapter and I'm going to start putting titles and puns on my chapters because to me the number thing is kinda getting old anyway bye
-Hannah Nicole

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