16| Getting All Glamed Up (Prt 2)

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Cyd Pov 

Today is the day of the dance and we all have gotten a day off to get ready for that dance which is so exciting so me Shelby Cassidy Bianca and Avery are going dress shopping then after we did that we went to get our hair done and nails then it was almost time for the dance and they all went back to Shelby's house to get ready 

Cyd's Dress 

Shelby's dress

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Shelby's dress

Cassidy's dress

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Cassidy's dress

Cassidy's dress

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Avery's dress

Bianca's dress

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Bianca's dress

"Don't we look good or what?" Avery asked 

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"Don't we look good or what?" Avery asked 

"I know and Cyd I am loving your dress," Shelby says 

"aw thanks Shelbs." Cyd said looking down 

"Well we better get going." Cassidy said 

"You two go ahead we will wait for Naldo and Nathan." Cyd said 

"Ok see you there," They said then the three left 

"Can't belive Nathan asked you, aren't you nervous?" Cyd asked 

"yea a little," Avery said as she fiddled with her fingers 

"well don't be, We're going to have a good time." Cyd said then the door bell rang and it was them at the door 

"hello ladies, Your fine gentlemen are here to take you to the dance." Naldo said 

"Aww what a hopeless romantic," Cyd said as she planted a kiss on Naldo's cheek 

"Aww thanks sweetie." Naldo said as he put his arm around Cyd then Nathan walked in 

"Hey aves, Ready to hurl?" Nathan asked 

"Is it that obvious." Avery asked then they all left for the dance 


next one real soon and sorry it took forever i had a rough day ok bye 

-Hannah Nicole 

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