Chapter 10 : "It's to quiet in here!"

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Narcissa walked in with a couple girls trailing behind her. She blushed delicately as Sirius ran over to her. Bellatrix snorted as she walked through the door, Lestrange walking beside her. Then Lucius Malfoy walked in with Severus trailing behind him. 

“Why is it the Slytherins are always the first ones?” Lupin asked James, groaning slightly. All of the Slytherins girls were wearing silk pajamas, much like the ones in Kiley’s pajama drawer. The boys, save for Severus, where wearing silk pajamas too.

“Severus!” Kiley cried when she saw him, getting up and walking over to him. She really didn’t want to be around Lupin, because she was getting these crazy urges to kiss him again.

Severus was wearing a black shirt again, and Slytherin colored flannel pajama bottoms.

“Nice pajamas,” Severus said, laughing when he saw her socks and pajamas.

“They where a gift from a friend,” she commented, twirling around so he could see them. 

The light reflected off her newly acquired silver Marauder bracelet and Severus’s eyebrows shot up.

“Marauder? You’re a Marauder now?” he asked, his tone slightly panicked.

She nodded and smiled. “Isn’t it wonderful?!?”

“Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled, his eyes downcast.

“Oh, Sev! C’mon! This doesn’t change anything!” Kiley cried, giving him a playful shove. It was kinda like when she was younger and she didn’t know he was her father.

He smiled at her and his worries melted away. He nodded and looked at the stage. She followed his gaze and got an idea.

“Severus!!!!!!!” she cried suddenly.

“Miley!!!!!!!” he cried back, a teasing light in his eyes.

“You’re going to sing!!!!!” Kiley told him happily.

“WHAT!!?!?” he asked, shocked and growing panicky again.

More people started to flood in and the music started to play. Kiley tried to tell him something but he couldn’t hear her. She finally just gave up and waved goodbye and melted into the crowd in search of one of her fellow Marauders. It took awhile for her to find someone; everyone was dancing and singing to the music, making it very loud and chaotic. 

“Wolfie!” she cried when she saw Lupin by the stage.

He smiled when he saw her. “What!?!”

“I want Severus to sing!” she yelled over the pounding music.

“What?!?” he asked, not hearing her.

“I WANT SEVERUS TO SING!!!” she yelled into his ear. He nodded, understanding. 

“CAN YOU SING!?!” he asked her next. She nodded, smiling. “PERFECT!!! I’LL BE RIGHT BACK!!” he walked away in search of Sirius and James.

“PRONGS! PADFOOT!!!!” he yelled over the music. He finally found them and pulled them to the stage area.

“WHAT!?!” Sirius asked when they got to the stage area.


“AND YOU NEED US TO PLAY DRUMS AND GUITAR???” James yelled, getting to what he wanted.

Lupin nodded and said he’d play to. Sirius and James nodded, giving each other, ‘why not?’ looks. Lupin smiled and pulled Kiley close to them.


“ARE YOU SURE?!?” Kiley yelled, glancing up at the stage.

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