chapter 3: "Can you feel the love tonight?"

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“Professor?” Kiley asked, knocking lightly on the door.

“Come in!” he called from behind the door. Kiley walked in.

“Ah, Miss Riddle. Soon to be Mrs. Potter! I was wondering when you where going to get here.” Dumbledore said, leaning over a silver bowl.

“Professor, how did you know who I was?” Kiley asked, walking in and closing the door behind her. 

“Well, Mrs. Potter, you don’t mind if I call you this?” 

“No, sir,” 

“Then, Mrs. Potter, I just found a very peculiar thing today in the recesses of a drawer in my desk. See, I have not cleaned this desk out in a long time,” Dumbledore walked over to his desk, running his hand lightly on the top. “So I decided on a strange whim to clean it out. In the bottom drawer, all the way in the back I found a memory in a glass vial. So, I decided to see which memory of mine it was.” Dumbledore walked back over to the silver bowl.

“Sir, I’m sorry but what does this hafta do with anything?” Kiley asked, walking over to stand next to him.

“All in good time, Mrs. Potter, all in good time.” Dumbledore chuckled as his hand hovered inches above the water. Kiley looked at the water and witnessed vague shapes swirling in and out of view. “Would you like to see this memory?”

Kiley nodded. She looked harder, drawing her face close to the water. Suddenly she was sucked in.

Dumbledore was sitting down behind his desk, contemplating a vast number of things. He stroked his snow white beard, wondering if he should get it cut soon. He dispelled that idea, remembering that he much liked the muggle’s faces when they saw him milling about around London. He chuckled slightly.

There came a knock on the door. Dumbledore knew that knock, it was Severus Snape, his most trusted advisor. 

“Enter,” he called, smoothing out his robes and arranging things on his desk quickly. It was very apparent that Severus had a visitor. A visitor that he could never stop talking about, Dumbledore thought smiling.

Severus opened the door and walked in, a girl about the age of sixteen, maybe seventeen trailing after him. She had long, jet black curly hair which came down to her middle back and bright, vivid green eyes. She had a light splay of freckles crossing the bridge of her nose and cheeks, making Dumbledore immediately think innocence.

“Why, Hello Miss Riddle! What a pleasure to meet you!” he got up from behind his desk, walking over to shake her hand. She had a nice, firm handshake and she looked into his eyes, something that Dumbledore did not come across everyday. Even though she was raised by Tom Riddle, she has wonderful manners! Dumbledore thought happily.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you to, Mr. Dumbledore,” she said, blushing slightly.

Mr. Dumbledore! Haven’t heard that one before! Dumbledore thought merrily.

“Call me Professor!” he said cheerfully, trying hard not to laugh. She nodded slightly, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

The scene dissolved and they resurfaced.

“What was that?” Kiley asked, staring at Dumbledore in amazement.

“That, Mrs. Potter is a penesive. And what you just witnessed was a memory of mine. This is how I know who you are.” Dumbledore said, walking over to his desk. He sat down, motioning Kiley to do the same in one of the chairs in front of the desk. She walked over to a chair and sat down.

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