Happily Ever After

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1 Month Later

Sitting at the desk in your office, you couldn't help but smile. You had been nervous when you had first made your way up to Vancouver. Uncertain about the future, and your job up there. But everything had worked out so much better than you could have ever hoped for.

Your cast had come off, and you were slowly regaining strength in your leg. It was nice, not having to clamber around, and you often found yourself meandering around the town of Vancouver, finding different trails in the mountains to walk in the early mornings.

It had taken some getting used to living with Jensen who had the weirdest work schedule you had ever seen. Sure, there were the weekends off, the weekends that were always busy for you during convention season. But there were also the mornings he would leave before the sun, sometimes not returning until you had already fallen back asleep. Many times, he would wake you up, his hands roaming under your clothes, his lips seeking out the sensitive spot on your neck. Those nights you never minded, not one bit.

Your job was even better than you could have hoped for. Of course, you had been asked to come down to California sometime soon, just to go over some things. But otherwise, you were left to your own devices, in Vancouver. Jensen's spare bedroom was your perfect office, at least until your new house was actually ready for you to move in to.

"Y/N?" Jensen's voice rang out, surprising you. He wasn't supposed to be home yet.

"In here!" You yelled back, shutting down your computer. Your work could wait a little bit, but being back in Jensen's arms couldn't. Standing up, you made it to the door just as Jensen rounded the hallway. A huge smile on his face, he opened his arms, and you raced into them, still amazed that this amazing man had fallen for you. "What are you doing home so early?" You asked him, tilting your head up so you could peck his lips.

"Jared messed up the set, so we can't do any filming until tomorrow." He told you. "But I don't mind. It gives me time to spend with my special girl. Unless you have more pressing matters."

"Nope. Nothing that can't wait." You told him, knowing you would have to work twice as hard tomorrow to be ready for next week's convention, but you didn't care. It was a rare occurrence, an afternoon spent with Jensen, and you needed it. "What's your plan?"

"I thought we could just head to the beach, relax." He said, and you nodded.

Within an hour, Jensen was parking at the far end of the lot. Being a Wednesday, there weren't many cars, and you were grateful to have the beach mainly to yourself. Grabbing a blanket and a coat, you let Jensen carry the picnic basket.

Heading down the stairs, you found the perfect spot. Sheltered from the wind, it had the best view of the ocean. Settling the blanket down, you sat down, Jensen sitting next to you. Lounging back, you stared up at the sky, a huge smile on your face.

"What are you thinking about?" Jensen asked, his sparkling green eyes coming into your vision, a smile on his own face.

"How happy I am." You told him, messing with the promise ring on your finger. "I love Vancouver, and my job. And I love you. Everything just seems so great. I never expected it to be this way."

"I will always be forever grateful that we had a convention held in your hotel. That it led me to you." He answered, pulling you into his arm. The two of you laying there, he had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, and you were more than content in the silence.

"It's almost break time." He started saying. "I have a couple of conventions already signed up, but after that I want to take you somewhere. Anywhere."

"I'd like that." You agreed.

"I'd also like it if we changed that ring of yours." He announced, sitting up suddenly. Narrowing your eyes at him, wondering what he was meaning, he got into a kneeling position. Gasping quietly, you held a hand over your mouth, knowing what was going to happen. "Y/N, I know we had talked about taking things slow. That's why I had given you the promise ring. But I don't want to wait any more. I love you so much, and I want more than just a promise ring. I want you by my side, forever. Would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Nodding instantly, you threw your arms around his shoulder, pressing your lips to his multiple times, beyond happy. "Yes! Of course, yes!!" You exclaimed. Grasping your hand, he pulled off the small promise ring, placing a large diamond ring in its place.

"Thank god." He breathed out, relieved. "I've been worrying about that all week." He said.

"You had nothing to worry about. I love you, and I can't wait until we're married." You insisted. "I just had a feeling today would be a good day. Now I know it's an amazing day."

"Best day ever." He agreed, pulling you down until you were laying underneath him on the blanket. With his arms on both sides of you, he leaned down, pressing his lips sweetly against yours.

**I decided to end this story. I hope you guys have enjoyed it!! I never imagined it going as far as it did, and thank you to all who read it!!** 

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