Baby It's Cold Outside

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After being so awkward with Jensen, you needed to take a break, to get a breath of fresh air. Rushing back to your room, you bundled up in your coat, and a scarf, slipping out one of the seldom used side doors. As soon as you opened the door, a blast of freezing cold air hit your face, your breath getting caught in your throat. Huge snowflakes were falling to the ground, a ground that was already turning sparkly white. 

It made you realize that you hadn't been outside, or looked outside in almost a day, a fact that seemed to unnerve you. It was because of your job, how it kept you busy from dusk until dawn, but still, it seemed wrong. Especially during the holiday season. 

"Brr, it's cold out here." A deep voice said from beside you, and you looked up to see Jensen standing by you, his hands deep in his coat pockets.

"I thought you were going to your room?" You blurted out, automatically feeling a little awkward with the man standing beside you.

He chuckled, a deep throaty laugh that was music to your ears. "Hey, I'm not in trouble!" He joked. "But I did. I threw my stuff in there, but then left Jared and Cliff arguing about something. I just wanted some time to myself, you know?" He said.

"Well, then I can go, and you can have your privacy." You said, moving to leave, but he placed a hand on your forearm, stopping you in your place.

"No, that's not what I meant. It's just, Jared had like four cups of coffee, and he's acting like a hyper active puppy, and while I love the man, I was going out of my mind." He told you. "Please stay. I know you're busy and I don't want to ruin your break either."

So you stayed. Standing next to a man who smelled of leather and musk and maybe a little pine thrown in there too. The two of you staying silent, staring at the snowflakes blanketing the ground, and the strangely empty streets. It was weirdly calming, standing there next to a man you had a hard time even talking to, and had only known for a matter of minutes. But something about this man seemed to calm your nerves, while at the same time make you an awkward, fumbling teenager.

"So, an event manager?" He started, blowing on his hands to warm them up.

You nodded, feeling a shiver run down your back. You were out here longer than you meant to be. "Yeah, it's what my Mom did, and I wanted to follow in her footsteps.I was extremely getting this job."

"Seems like a pretty hectic job though." He answered. "What do you do for fun?"

"Um, not much." You answered, as he turned those forest green eyes your way. With those eyes on you, you hardly even remembered your name, let alone the question he had asked.

"No boyfriend? Or secret band that you practice with in the middle of the night?" He teased, trying to make you feel comfortable. You watched as his spiky dark blonde hair slowly became covered with snowflakes. 

"Nope. No time. If I tried to take time for myself, my boss would have my job." You muttered, watching Jensen frown.

"I know what it's like to work long, hard hours. But without some sort of way to get away from work, your going to burn yourself out." He said, before wincing. "Sorry. I just pushed my way in. We don't even know each other that well. I just don't want to see that happening to you."

"No it's okay. But I should be going back inside, make sure everything is running smoothly." You said, feeling a little uncomfortable at being judged by such a successful man. 

You opened the door, stepping back into the warmth the hotel offered, when you heard Jensen muttering behind you. "Listen, I'm sorry I said that. But maybe I'll see you again?"

"Probably. Since I'm the one helping run your convention." You told him, feeling a little hurt that a stranger could point out the truth so quickly. "Oh, and if you use this hall here, it will lead you to the convention area, no fans to rush through."

Before he could say anything else, you vanished into your office, sliding your damp coat off, dumping it onto a chair before sliding down into your own plush leather computer chair. You had just done a great job of alienating one of your biggest guests, and only in half an hour. If you kept it up, you would be packing your belongings tomorrow, out of a job and a home. 

Wanting nothing more than to bang your head on your desk, you forced yourself to stand up, brush down your skirt, and make your way down the main hallway. You saw groups of fans throughout, some in regular jeans and t-shirts, others dressed as unique characters from the show. A line had formed for the next photo op already, and you saw Phillip working hard to make sure it stayed to the side. 

You walked into the main ballroom, the lights turned down low, and Richard and Rob on set, making the fans laugh. Maureen stood off to the side, her eyes scanning the entire room, making sure there were no problems. You made your way over to her, placing your hand on her shoulder, feeling her jump as you startled her. "Y/N, there you are! I've been texting you!"

Cussing softly under your breath, you pulled out your phone, seeing three missed calls and four texts. "I'm so sorry, I was talking to one of the guests. What's up?"

"I just really needed a bathroom break. And one of the main guests had disappeared, but they found him so all is good." She said quickly.

"Go, take a break. I've got this covered." You told her, and she rushed off gratefully. You turned back to the stage just in time for the room to be overtaken by the thunderous screams and applause as Jensen and Jared walked onto stage. They both had taken time to change out of their heavy winter garb, and were now dressed in jeans and flannels. Jared wore loose fitting dark blue jeans with a gray and orange fitted flannel. But once again, you couldn't take your eyes off of Jensen. He was wearing a red and blue flannel shirt, with a pair of black faded jeans, that hung snug on his hips, and it suited him really well. He was carrying a cup of coffee in one hand, grabbing onto the microphone with the other. 

You watched as they smiled at the audience, laughing and joking, making fools of themselves. It was different than you expected, and you found yourself paying more attention to him than your surroundings. That's why you were startled when Maureen gently touched your shoulder. "Thanks Y/N, I can take over again."

"Okay." You said, but your gaze was still on the men on the stage, especially Jensen who was giving his complete attention to a fan currently asking a question. You could sense he wasn't just acting, that he was really interested in what the fan had to say.

"They sure are dreamy, aren't they?" She whispered as the two of you stared up at the handsome and energetic men. "And not only hot, but super nice too."

"They weren't too bad." You agreed, finally tearing yourself away from staring at him, determined to make your rounds and see if everything else was going along as smooth.

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