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Feeling more than a little nervous and excited, you let Jensen lead you down the hallway, towards your room. As you rounded the corner, you stopped, before turning and backtracking. Brian was in the hallway in front of your room, pounding on the door, and you wanted nothing to do with him. "Stay here. I'll scare him off. Then we can get your stuff." Jensen said, itching to beat the man who had laid a hand on you.

"Jensen, please." You pleaded, beyond exhausted and done with drama for the day. Tugging on his arm, you pulled him farther back, away from your room. "Maybe I can just borrow a shirt for the night. Please?"

"Y/N, that man really needs to learn a lesson." Jensen argued, but you could tell he was wanting to do whatever was best for you.

"And he will. But not tonight. It's late, and we both need to sleep." You countered, and finally, he wrapped his arm around you, guiding you into the waiting elevator. Staying cuddled as close as possible, you were smiled at by an older couple, who was also heading up for the night. As their floor chimed, the older lady reached down and squeezed your hand. 

"The two of you make a wonderful couple." She said, before joining her husband in the hallway.

Jensen just pulled you tighter to him, pressing a kiss to your forehead. A couple of floors later, it was your turn to get off, and you followed him down the quiet hallway. "It's just me and Jared up here. They try to keep us as separate as possible." He explained, holding out his key. 

"It's funny. I've worked at the hotel for a while, and I've never been up here." You told him as you took in the paneled walls, and the fancy sconce lights on the walls. Pushing open a door, he guided you inside to a tidy, but nice looking room. A giant, king sized bed was in the middle, with a flat screen tv and a fireplace on the other wall. A couch and a table were close to the door, and a balcony looked over the city lights. A door on the left led into a spacious bathroom, with both a shower and a bathtub. 

A suitcase lay open near the bathroom, clothes carefully folded beside it the only indication that the room was even in use. Standing there awkwardly, you watched as Jensen opened the mini fridge. "Do you want anything? We have tequila, whiskey, vodka. You name it, there's a little bottle in here."

"Maybe some whiskey." You answered, feeling a little self conscious and nervous being alone in his room with him. Pulling out two small bottles, he went over to the table, and you made your way to the balcony. It was snowing outside, and even though you had no coat, you opened the door and stood outside. From up here you could see for miles, houses and business alike shining extra bright with their Christmas lights. Tilting your head up, you lit the snowflakes land on your face, letting the stillness calm your anxiety.

"What are you doing out here? It's freezing!" Jensen exclaimed as he joined you, handing you your glass of whiskey.

"It is cold." You answered. "But it's so peaceful, so beautiful. I love it."

"It sure is beautiful." He agreed, but his eyes were on you, with snowflakes caught in your eyelashes, and not the view beyond. Setting his whiskey glass on the table behind him, he reached out, grasping your hips and pulling you tight to him. Your breath left you in a white fog, before his lips sought out yours, the warm softness a stark contrast to the cold night air surrounding you.

Leaning into the kiss, you brought your hands up, around his neck, and into his hair, tangling your fingers in the short and spikey locks. Jensen's hands moved down from your hips, grasping your butt and pulling you tight to him. Moaning into his mouth, you nibbled on his bottom lip, loving how plump it was. He brought one hand up, cupping your cheek gently, but you still tensed as his finger touched your slightly swollen bruise.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm not cold anymore." He teased, his forehead pressed to yours. 

"Cold? What cold?" You answered, as he grasped your hand, pulling you into the room. Waiting to see what he would do next, you were surprised to see him reach into his suitcase and pull out a plain white t-shirt.

"Here, will this work for you to sleep in?" He asked, handing it to you. Feeling a little confused, you took it.

"Yeah, that works perfectly." You answered, taking the shirt and stepping into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind you, you leaned against it, willing your heart to slow down. One minute his hands were all over you, the next he was handing you a shirt, acting as if it had never happened.

Staring into the mirror, you noticed your slightly swollen lips, your pupils still blown wide with lust, the blush covering your cheeks. You had been ready for whatever step he was going to take next, but this wasn't what you had expected. Sighing, you changed out of your clothes, slipping the t-shirt on while leaving just your panties on underneath it. The shirt was long, the sleeves coming down to your elbows, and the hem almost to your knees, but you still felt a little self conscious as you opened the door and stepped into the room.

While you had been in the bathroom, Jensen had turned all the lights off except for the one next to his bed, and he was currently lounging against the headboard, a movie playing quietly on the TV. Seeing you, he patted the bed beside him, and you slid in between the smooth sheets. Pulling you tight to him, he let you rest your head on his chest, his hand wrapped around your shoulder. "Is everything okay?" You asked him, still feeling a little out of sorts. 

"Yeah, everything's great. Why wouldn't it be?" He asked, shutting the TV off.

"Well, you stopped pretty suddenly outside, and I wasn't sure why." You admitted, feeling his body tense up underneath yours. He stayed silent for a while, and you wondered if you should have brought it up at all.

"Y/N, it has nothing to do with you." He assured you. "There's nothing more that I want to do than make love to you."

"Then why didn't you?" You asked him, leaning up on your elbow to look him in the eye.

He sighed, before rubbing his finger gently against the bruise on your cheek. "Because, you need to relax. When I touched you here, and you cried out, it took everything for me not to leave this room and beat the crap out of your boss. It made me realize that I didn't want to rush things, that I wanted to make sure you were good and ready, and healed before we took our relationship further." He explained, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

It was very kind and thoughtful of him, and you pressed a kiss lightly to his lips as thanks. But it wasn't what you wanted. "Jensen, after tomorrow we will be hundreds of miles away. I don't know about you, but I don't want to regret not taking a chance while we can." You told him.

It seemed to be the answer he was waiting for, because he leaned down, capturing your mouth for another kiss. After you were breathless, he smiled against your mouth. "You look amazing in my shirt. But I think you'd look even better out of it." He teased, before pulling it over your head, letting it puddle on the ground.

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