To the Rescue

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After watching the panel for a couple more moments, you had escaped, planning on heading back to your office where you could try to catch a breath for a moment. You felt as if you were running on fumes, about ready to collapse if you didn't take a couple of moments for yourself. But it didn't seem meant to be as you could see Brian rushing your way, his bulging belly about ready to pop his black suit coat.

"Miss Y/L/N!" He exclaimed, before you could duck through a connecting door. Sighing deeply, you pasted a smile on your face. 

"Yes Brian?" You asked politely. He was sweating, breathing heavily as he stopped in front of you. 

"Why aren't you in the convention hall, manning the convention. That's what your job is, after all. How is it going?" He asked, stepping into your personal bubble, and you could feel your body start to tense. 

"I was just there, and it's running smoothly. I was just going into my office for a moment before I went back." You said, reaching for your door handle.

He smiled, before reaching around you, grabbing the handle and opening the door for you. "Well, go ahead."

You walked in, closing your eyes and taking another deep breath when you heard him shut it behind you. Turning, you saw him leaning against it, a smirk on his face. "Now, let's talk, shall we." He said, walking forward, caging you against your desk with each step.

"I don't really have much time." You said, eyeing the door, but he just placed a hand on your shoulder, creepishly rubbing it. 

"I'm your boss. You should always have time for me." He said, his voice soft, trying to be seductive. 

"But, like you said, I need to be in the convention hall. So if you don't mind..." You said, moving to go past him, but his grip on you tightened, almost to the point of pain.

"Y/N, you're a good employee, you really are. But if you want to go any farther, you really need to put in a better effort." He stated, his hand moving down your arm.

Before you could push him away, or answer, a knock sounded on your door, before it was pushed open. "Y/N? I was told I could find you in here." You were surprised to hear Jensen say. He peeked his head into the room, his eyes growing wide when he saw the sight in front of him. 

"Excuse me, but can't you see we are busy?" Brian told Jensen rudely.

"I can see. But I know Y/N is needed back at the convention with me. And as one of your guests, you don't want to make me mad, do you?" Jensen retorted, and finally Brian dropped his hand, stepping away from you.

"Fine. But Y/N we will finish this conversation later." Brian said before leaving your office. As soon as he was gone, you felt the adrenaline and fear leave your body, and with shaky legs, you sank down into your chair.

Jensen came into the room, shutting the door behind him. "Y/N, is everything okay? If that man was bothering you, I can tell someone." He said, kneeling down in front of you, while you tried to get yourself together. You hated being like this in front of Jensen.

"No, there's no one to tell. He's my boss, and if I complain he will have my job. But he's never been that forward before." You said, taking a deep breath. "Thank you for being here. But why are you here?"

"I'm done with autographs, and was hoping maybe we could do dinner." He said, surprising you, which took your mind off of Brian. 

"Dinner? With me? Why?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. You really wanted to bang your head on your desk. Instead, you tilted your head down, so your gaze was on your lap, not on him.

Instead of answering, he took his hand, gently grasping your chin, tilting your head up so you had to look at him. "Because I never imagined I'd meet a beautiful and smart woman at this convention. A woman I would like to get to know a little better if she would let me."

"I don't know." You said, and you saw his shoulders stoop in disappointment, and he stood up. "I have so much riding on this convention, and I'm not sure I can just leave, even for a little bit. But I would really like to have dinner with you." You said.

"Well, instead of leaving, maybe we can figure something out." He said, before heading to the door. "Hey, can I have your number? That way I can let you know when I have things settled."

"Not the classiest way to ask for a girl's number." You said, before wishing you had a filter on your mouth. "But sure." 

You quickly wrote it down, handing it to him. Giving you a huge, heart melting smile, he pocketed it before slipping out the door. You quickly followed him out too, wanting to get back to the convention hall, where you knew Brian wouldn't follow.

Instead of heading to the ballroom, you went into the vendor's room, where people walked around tables filled with all sorts of items. You made the rounds, looking at each of the item's with Jensen's face plastered on them. It was weird, seeing him as his character, on T-shirts, and mugs, when you had just talked to him earlier.

"It's crazy how fast the stuff is selling." Phillip said as he came to stand next to you. "And everyone seems so polite. Even when one of the actors came in, they weren't a bunch of screaming, crazy girls. I was shocked." 

"Why don't you go take a break. I'll hang out in here for a while." You said, watching the relief on his face.

"Actually. I was just moving from here back out to the side hallway. Photo Ops are starting for the two main actors." Phillip told you, and you nodded. You had known that, had it written down even. But you seemed to be losing your mind today.

"Okay. I've got that covered. You go take a nice long lunch or something." You told him, and he booked it out of the room. After taking another moment to look around, you made your way to the side hallway, seeing a bunch of nervous fans already starting to line up. After making sure they stayed to the side, you went into the photo op room, curious as to how the process went. A tall man was standing in front of the screen, a fancy camera in his hands. A handler was on each side, and a line of printers was on the other wall. Seeing Gary off to the side, you went to say hi just as Jared and Jensen walked into the room. You could literally feel the energy in the room spike as those already in saw them, getting excited over the fact that soon they would be standing next to them.

You had to admit, you wouldn't have minded a photo yourself. Both men were extremely handsome, especially Jensen, and he had your heart fluttering. Especially when he saw you off to the side, and gave you a smile and a wink. 

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