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Awsten had curled against Geoff in bed, tracing lazy patterns on the elder’s chest. Geoff was enjoying it, the feeling was starting to lull him to sleep. It was a Sunday evening, and both boys were exhausted. Awsten hadn’t slept since Saturday morning. He was beginning to drift, his eyes heavy and sore. The bags under the blue-green pools were even heavier, weighing his whole body down.

Geoff was hoping Awsten would fall asleep soon, because the younger boy needed it. Next to them sat a box of sleeping medication from Awsten's doctor, and a glass of water on the nightstand. He had gotten the younger to take his needed amount, and they were now waiting to see the results.
It was taking longer than Geoff would have liked, but he could tell Awsten was beginning to drift off now. He gently kissed Awsten's hair, letting himself fall asleep.

Awsten slept for a little bit, the pills paying off. It was a lovely change.

Awsten couldn’t move. He was awake, he knew he was awake, and yet he couldn’t move. Geoff was gone, he was alone. All alone in the dark of his room with no way of switching his light on.

Something caught his eye, a dark shadow at the end of his bed. It’s eyes glowed red, staring into his soul. Awsten tried to move, whimpering desperately. He couldn’t and the creature began to come closer. He felt a cold spreading through his body, and he tried again to move- failing. He tried to scream, he wanted to rip a scream from his throat, but nothing happened. He was alone and helpless, Geoff no where to be found.

The creature was now over him, staring right into his eyes. He struggled and fought to move, trying to make some sound. He couldn’t. He had no one to save him, not Geoff, not even himself. The creature came closer and closer, talking to him in a cryptic and incoherent voice. Awsten had no idea what it was saying but he knew it wasn’t good. He fought to move away, with no success. The creature was now almost touching him. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t-

Awsten jolted awake, covered in sweat. He sobbed a little and hugged himself, scared absolutely shitless. He leaned over and turned the lamp on, his eye catching the sight of Geoff. He sighed in relief a little and curled up to him, gently shaking him awake.

“Geoff...” he whimpered, nuzzling up under the elder’s chin. He felt him stir and wake up, and Awsten felt himself smile a tiny bit. He held onto Geoff, still sobbing a little bit.
Geoff sat up and pulled Awsten into his lap, holding the younger boy close.
“Awsten, I’ve got you...” he whispered, “it’s okay....”

Awsten nodded and buried his face against Geoff's shoulder, hugging him.
“what happened, love?” He asked softly, petting Awsten's hair.
“th-there was a- a thing....tried to get me... you were gone...don't- don’t know where...” He mumbled, sniffling.

“oh, baby, Awsten, look at me.” Geoff sighed, cupping Awsten's chin and making him look up. “it’s okay. I’m gonna keep you safe.”

The smaller boy nodded and sobbed a little, his little hands tangling up in Geoff's hair. He squeezed his fists tight, gently tugging.  Geoff didn’t mind, as long as he didn’t pull hard.

“That’s it, Awsten...” he whispered as the younger boy began to calm down. He rested their foreheads together, holding Awsten around his lower back, holding him close in his lap. The blue haired boy sighed and rested his face against Geoff's neck, his lips brushing the skin gently.
Geoff felt Awsten's lips on his skin, and he knew it was just an accident, but he couldn’t help but let his mind wander. He wanted to have those lips on his own, but now was not the time.

Awsten, as discretely as possible, kissed the soft skin as a little gesture of gratefullness. He wasn’t sure if Geoff would feel it, but he was too sleepy to care. He continued it, his eyes shutting. He was enjoying the intimacy of this, curled up to the love of his life at night, holding each other close and just enjoying each other’s company.

Awsten could never admit that he was in love with Geoff, he was afraid of ruining their friendship.

“Awsten.?” Geoff whispered, his hands gently rubbing his back.

Awsten hummed in reply.

“look at me.” Geoff said softly, cupping Awsten’s chin as he made him look up.

Awsten blushed softly, looking up at the brunet.

“I love you.” Geoff whispered.
Awsten knew Geoff loved him. He said it often enough, it was still nice to hear.

“I know... I love you too.” He replied in a whisper.

“no, no, Awsten, I really love you. I...so much.”

Awsten was a little startled. Did Geoff mean he loved him a more than a friend...?

“Geoff....” he whimpered softly, but before he could even start to continue Geoff had kissed him. Awsten froze up, he wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted to kiss back, and he tried to. He leaned in and returned it, his arms shaking and his hands clammy and cold on Geoff’s neck. He was shaking so much in the elder’s hold. He was focused on how Geoff’s warm, soft lips pressed against his own cool, chapped lips. The contrast was oddly comforting to Awsten.

The kiss ended too soon and Awsten wished it had lasted. Geoff pulled away and rested their foreheads together again, his arms tight around Awsten. Awsten buried his face in Geoff's shoulder and sniffled a little, smiling.

“Awsten, are you crying?” Geoff asked softly.

Awsten smiled wider, “No.” He mumbled.

“I’m sorry for kissing you.” Geoff murmured.

Awsten sat up and looked up at the elder, blushing. He leaned in and kissed him again softly. It was soft, and short, but it was sweet and a really nice kiss. He pulled away and snuggled back down against Geoff, “please don’t be sorry.”

Geoff leaned down and let out a soft little giggle, kissing Awsten's neck. Awsten smiled as wide as he could. He sighed in happiness and for once, he felt at peace.

A long chapter this time!!
They finally kiss!!! Ahhh!!
Hope you enjoyed it
-amber 🖤

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