Chapter 26

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Harrison held the door open for Billie as she carefully carried his MVP trophy inside.

"Where does it go daddy?"

"I'll show you." Once Carrie made her way inside, Harrison met her in the living room in front of his trophy case.

"First we have to make room for it."

Billie patiently held the silver football for her daddy as he made room for it in the trophy case. Harrison moved some his defensive player of the week and month awards, as well as his rookie of the year trophy to the other side. Then he slid a few authenticated footballs out of the way.

"Ok set it here."

She gently set the trophy down in the small space Harrison cleared out. "You have to make this bigger daddy."

He gave her a high five. "I will B. I plan on adding a few more trophies to it."

Hearing all the noise from the happy family arriving home, Rawlings made his way downstairs. He had the rope in his mouth that he loved to play tug of war with.


Rawlings dropped his rope and licked Billie. "I missed you Rawley!"

He barked as she began to pet him. "But guess what? Daddy won the Super Bowl!"

Rawlings ran over to Harrison and gave him a hug. He would stand on his hind legs and placed his front paws on his chest. Harrison then pet him. "Good boy Rawlings."

He said hi to Carrie before running back for his rope and taking it to Billie to play tug of war. She followed him into the living room where they both began to play tug of war.

Meanwhile, Harrison tried to lean in for a kiss as Carrie spun his hat around so the brim faced backwards. He was abruptly stopped. "What?"

"Did you shower after the game?" She asked, scrunching up her nose.

"No," he whispered, placing his hands on her hips.

She took a step back and pointed to the stairs. "Get up there. You smell."


A few minutes later, he came downstairs wearing jeans and a white Cowboys t-shirt. Carrie then allowed him to kiss her.

"You did great today," she whispered between kisses.

"Thanks sweetheart."

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. "You said you didn't mind if I threw a little party right?"

She nodded. "I don't care if it's only a few people."

He nodded and went to let a few of his teammates in. Pretty soon a few people turned into a lot of people. It wasn't long before half the Cowboys team showed up with their wives or girlfriends. Harrison acted like a great host, putting plenty of bottles of beer out on the bar counter along with different wines.

In a matter of a few minutes the living room turned into a huge party. "Mommy, its loud," Billie said from beside her.

"I know sweetheart. Why don't we get you ready for bed."

"But I don't want to go to bed!" As soon as she said that, little B yawned.

"It's already passed midnight. Let's go," Carrie encouraged.

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