Chapter 1

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Harrison sat patiently waiting for his doctor. He or she should've been here 10 minutes ago. And his knee pain wasn't exactly getting any better.

Something in his knee was seriously wrong. Both under his kneecap and the side of his knee killed. Yesterday, while returning an interception, one of the Chiefs receivers took him out from the side. The Cowboys training staff couldn't do much for it, and he was told to get a MRI the following day.

He was waiting for his test results, desperately hoping it was just sore from the hit. But just flexing it was enough to make him cry out in pain.

And it got worse from there. His girlfriend dumped him about a month and a half ago for another guy. He was also in the running for NFL season MVP. But with his knee injury, that was most likely not going to happen.

Harrison looked up, hearing a light knock on the office door. The handle turned with a click and in came his doctor.

Upon seeing her, he was absolutely blown away. She was so beautiful. Her brunette hair hung loosely in a simple braid down her shoulder. He couldn't look away from her brown eyes. "Hello?"

He shook his head. "Ugh, sorry."

"You're fine," she answered, crossing the room and setting her things next to him.

"Are you the specialist?"

"Yes I am. I specialize in treating patients with acl, mcl, lcl tears or ruptures."


"So Harrison, before we go over the test results, where does your knee hurt and what's your pain on a scale of 1-10?"

He pointed to both his kneecap and the side of his knee. "About a 9."

"Alright. The reason I asked was with your MRI results, I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with your knee. Further testing will be required."

Oh great, he thought. Even the specialist doesn't know what's wrong with me.

She continued. "But before you freak," she said, pulling a few papers out of her folder. "I will tell you for sure your mcl is torn. And that will require..."

Harrison lost interest listening to all the possible reasons he could be in this much pain. He began to study her facial features. Just being able to make eye contact with her was enough to make his heart flutter. Her smile was so intoxicating. The way it tugged at her lips...

"And as I said before, I will have to conduct more tests."

She grabbed another paper from the folder. "This is the MRI of your acl."

Harrison moved over, giving her room to sit next to him. Holding out the paper and pointing to different parts of his knee she said, "see how your femur and tibia seem to be pushed in?"

He nodded. "When that receiver hit you, did he lead with his helmet?"


"That explains a lot," she mumbled, moving the pen towards the middle of his knee. "You see these bone fragments that make the MRI unclear in this area? I think the impact between the helmet and your knee was strong enough to shatter parts of your femur and tibia, which in turn, may have also helped with a possible acl tear."

Harrison simply looked at her. She smiled. "I know it's a lot to take in right now, but all this could be totally wrong. It's a possibility though. I've treated other football players with similar injuries."

"How long will it take to schedule more tests?"

"We can schedule tests for anytime. You're my top priority patient. My assistants can take care of the rest."

"Would tomorrow be okay?"

"That's perfect. And don't worry about any delays on my end. I've been assigned to you all the way through rehab."

He raised an eyebrow. That long? Not that he'd have any problem with it, it was just he'd never heard of this kind of therapy and rehab.

"I know it's different. It was my idea. But I don't like my patients coming to me and telling me about the hassle explaining the whole story to a new doctor everyday."

"That's a really good idea," he said, sliding off the table as she handed him his crutches. "Thank you..."

"Carrie Fisher."

"Thank you Dr. Fisher."

"You are most certainly welcome," she answered, opening her office door for him. "And I promise I'll find out what's wrong. And real soon."

"Thank you."

"See you tomorrow?"

Harrison nodded, going past her. "Anytime?"

"Yep. I'll be here until 5."

"Oh and before you go," she added, running back over to her folder across the room. "Here's my card. Phone number, everything's on there. And don't hesitate to call if something starts bugging you."

"Thank you for everything."

She flashed him a smile as he left.

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