Chapter 24

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Carrie watched Harrison's first practice from the sidelines, as the new head athletic trainer for the Dallas Cowboys. Ever since she and Harrison had gotten engaged, there was always the question of what was she going to do with her job? Because she, Billie, and the new baby would certainly be traveling with Harrison all the time next season.

So she'd given up her job as a doctor and taken the head trainer position for the Dallas Cowboys. It paid much more than her job as a doctor, and it gave her the flexibility to travel with the team.

Right now was one of the not so fun times of being a trainer. It was mid January which brought a lot of cold weather and rain to Dallas. It was currently 37 degrees and raining.

The Cowboys had an indoor practice field as well, but they would be going to New York to play the Giants where it would most likely be very cold and snowy.

Meanwhile, as Harrison and the defense finished up their part of practice, Carrie was taping a players foot while trying not to screw it up because of her shaky hands. Once she was done, she slung her bag over her shoulder and tried to warm herself to no avail.

For the next half hour, she stood beside her assistant trainers and watched practice. That was until Harrison came out of the locker room. Carrie knew the arms that wrapped around her were his.

"Hey sweetheart. Enjoying practice?"

She shivered. "Not really."

That was when she turned around to see Harrison wearing one of the Cowboys winter coats. He unzipped it and pulled her against his chest before zipping it partially back up.

A few minutes later, he asked, "still cold?"

Carrie nodded as he pulled his arms out of the sleeves and wrapped them around her body. "Let's go inside," he said quietly.

"Practice isn't over yet," she protested.

"Shh, I have an idea," he whispered. Then louder he asked, "can you check on my knee?"

"Yes," Carrie answered as she stepped out from the warmth of his jacket. Then she told her assistant trainers, "I'm going to take him inside. Let me know if you need me."

They nodded. Carrie then happily followed Harrison into the warm building. On the way in, she wasn't sure if he actually needed his knee checked out, but with his wicked smile, she realized it was his way of getting them out of the cold. They passed right by her office and into the locker room.

Harrison shrugged off his winter jacket, which was now covered with droplets of rain. That left him wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt, his football pants, and high socks. Carrie could see the outline of his brace under his pants when he took off his cleats.

He changed into a pair of sweatpants and began searching through his locker for another pair of sweatpants along with a shirt.

"You know, shouldn't we be going back out?"

Harrison looked over his shoulder at the time. It was 2. Just as he was about to answer Carrie a few players came and grabbed a few things before leaving for the day. During that time, she simply pretended she was adjusting his brace.

Once they left, he answered her. "Practice is pretty much over. Only kickers are still out there. I'm not needed and neither are you."

"You better be right about that."

He glanced at her, seeing her still shivering before grabbing the extra shirt and pants and leading her away. "I'm always right."

Carrie laughed. "I'm not sure about that."

She then asked, "where are we going?"

Instead of heading back towards the main lobby, they went further into the facility towards the storage rooms, the showers, and the weight rooms. There were plenty of people making their way down the hallway as she followed Harrison through another door that led right into the shower room.

"What are we doing?"

He closed the door behind her. "You said you're cold. A warm shower will warm you right up."

Harrison pulled his shirt over his head. "Harry, we're in public!"

He raised an eyebrow before taking a step to his left so they were in the shower. Then he pulled the curtain closed. "Not anymore."

Carrie started to undress as well. Once she threw all their clothes outside the curtain, Harrison turned on the warm water. Immediately, she began to feel a little warmer with the warm water trickling down her skin. He wrapped her up in his warm embrace as they stood under the shower head for a few minutes. Nobody came in as they showed together for their first time in a while.

She was still shivering. "Geez Carrie."

"Sorry, I'm cold."

Harrison kissed her neck gently before releasing her from his embrace. He then rubbed her arms, in an attempt to get her blood flowing to warm her up. Even her skin was cold to his touch. Harrison himself was sweating. He resisted the urge to turn down the water temperature for her sake.

Carrie, who'd still been shivering, pressed herself against his chest. He tilted her head up with his thumb, thinking that getting her mind off the cold would soon help her warm up quicker. Harrison pressed his lips against hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Carrie's lips kissed him back as her hands ran through his hair and down the back of his neck until she held him in her embrace.

She ended the kiss, and Harrison soaked his hair with shampoo. Carrie enjoyed parting his hair different ways, and making it stand up like a mohawk.

After a few minutes, Harrison turned the water off. He was smiling, she wasn't cold anymore. "See? I told you it would work," he said, passing by to go get them towels.

When he came back, Carrie dried herself and changed into the shirt and sweatpants he brought for her. Then together they went back to his locker and packed some things before going home.

Double update because why not?

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