Chapter 2

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Harrison showed up at her office at noon. He was led to her actual office by one of the nurses. Knocking lightly before opening the door, he waited for her "come in" before entering.

Opening the door, he saw her on the phone, looking at something on her computer. Harrison backed out of her office, but she stopped him, telling him it would only be a moment.

"Be good for grandma today, okay sweetheart?"

There was a pause as the other person answered. "Mommy loves you. I'll see you when I get home."

Mommy? She pulled the phone far enough away from her ear for Harrison to hear the person on the other end of the phone. It sounded like a little girl.

"Mommy, will you be home early?"

"I don't know honey. I promise I'll still read with you tonight."

"Yay!" She smiled at the little girls voice.

"I gotta go, I love you Billie."

"I love you too mommy!"

And with that, she hung up. As she put the phone down, Harrison's eyes wandered around her desk, seeing all her photos that must be of that little girl she was talking to. And the little girl looked nothing like her. The little girl had long blond hair and blue eyes. He guessed she must've gotten that from her father.

His eyes continued their exploration around her desk. In all the pictures, he didn't see the father once. She began typing a few notes on her computer. As her fingers flew swiftly over the keyboard, he didn't see a ring on either hand...

"I'm sorry," she muttered, interrupting his thoughts.

"It's fine. Is that your daughter?" He asked, pointing to one of the pictures of her and the girl.

"Yep that's my little girl."

She handed him a photo. "How old is she?"

"She just turned 4 last week. She's growing up so fast."

He smiled. "What's her name?"


"That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you. Now, how's your knee?"

"Well Dr. Fisher-"

"Carrie's fine."

"Well Carrie it doesn't hurt any worse so I guess that's good."

She picked up a clipboard and a few papers. "That's very good. Now let's go figure out what's wrong with you."

Harrison laughed, still holding the photo of Carrie and her daughter Billie. In this picture she was wearing a Cowboys hat and t-shirt. "I'm guessing she likes the Cowboys."

"Loves you guys. And you're her favorite player."

"Does she know about you treating me?"

"No not yet. She'd freak if I told her."

He smiled. "Bring her in sometime. I'd love to meet her."


Carrie reached for a few more documents as he picked up another picture of Billie. "She must look a lot like her father."

After saying those words, he instantly regretted it. That must be a sore subject for her. Her smile immediately faded and she answered flatly, "she does a lot."

"Umm, I'm sorry."

Pushing by him to open the door, she muttered, "it's fine."

Harrison followed her down the hallway to the exam room. "Have a seat."

He obeyed, cringing at the hint of anger in her voice. "It's just... it was complicated."

"I understand." He indeed did understand. Not the part of trying to raise a daughter alone, but the part of being left by someone in a time of need. His ex-girlfriend left him just days before he was going to propose. He didn't know why she left but apparently she was already with somebody else. Harrison was ready to start a life with her, but then she was just gone.

He slowly moved his leg up on the table so it was level with the rest of his body. Carrie came back over wearing a pair of white rubber gloves on her hands. "This may hurt."

She put a hand on his knee, applying pressure with her fingers. When she got to the side of his knee, he cried out in pain. Carrie made him extend his leg out so it was straight. Then she moved his knee cap, feeling for abnormalities. "Well, some good news for once. I don't feel any other abnormalities that I don't already know about. However I'm still going to schedule you for another MRI and CAT scan."

He nodded, getting off the table and following her to a testing room that contained a large white machine that was probably the MRI and CAT scan. "Sit."

Harrison sat and began following her procedures.


The CAT scan, along with another MRI, confirmed that he did indeed have a torn acl. And it would definitely require surgery. "I'm going to schedule you for a surgery, the only thing I need to know is when?"

"Whenever is good for you."

"I'm on your schedule now. But I'm assuming you want to be back for a potential playoff run?"


"The sooner we operate, the better. It's September now, so let's see, you would be able to walk come December, and potentially even play. But the normal recovery time would take all the way through April. If you're willing to put in the time and effort, I can have you solid on your feet by January."

"Friday?" He asked.

"Friday works. That'll give you two full days to prepare for surgery."

"How long will the surgery last?"

She picked up her clipboard. "That's a good question. Ultimately, it's going to be up to the surgeons. The longer surgery would be about an hour, but that requires us to open up your entire knee. The other surgery, which I will highly push for, takes about a half hour. This one would be done with probes. I like the idea of probes, especially with you, because your knee will be stronger after the surgery."

"I'll take whatever one you think is the better option," he said, jumping off the table and onto his good leg.

Harrison wasn't quite used to hobbling around on one leg. Sliding off the table, he fell right into her. "I'm really sorry about that."

He held his breath in, feeling her small hands on his hips, standing him back up. As he regained his balance, he felt her hands press against his stomach. "Easy there." He didn't even hear what she said. It was more of a mumble, as he was focused on her hands that she still held against him.

Harrison grabbed his crutches from beside the table. "I'll see you Friday Harrison. And please try to be careful," she teased as he headed out.

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