Chapter 12

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So, my plan didn't exactly work out because I ended up in detention for the first reccess, and Niall in detention for the second.

Now, he's in an after school one and I'm waiting outside the office for him in my black jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket.

I've always had the leather jacket, I just decided to wear it because I was going home to change

Niall wasn't out yet, maybe I could have a quick cigarette.

I pulled out my pack of smokes and my black lighter, flicking the flame alive as I placed the cigarette between my lips

I placed the top of the flame to the butt and slowly, grey smoke raised off.

I put my lighter back into my pocket and inhaled smoothly and deeply, exhaling so smoke came out through my nose

I'd been practicing to make shapes lately but the best I can actually do is a ring.

After about my fifth puff, I flicked the butt.

My blonde came out almost looking annoyed but he immediately lit up when he spotted me

"Zayn!" He gasped

He ran down the four remaining steps and hugged me tight, burying his face into my chest

"Hi, baby" I murmured into his soft hair

"I missed you" Niall mumbled back to me "I haven't seen you since music"

He inhaled and drew back, noticing the smoke I had between my fingers

"woah" He whispered, almost awed that I had one in my hands "you actually smoke"

"Course" I nodded "I've always smoked"

It's the truth. I started when I was thirteen. A couple of my friends pressured me into having a cigarette and after I had one, I threw up. They all laughed at me so I tried again and again and again. I started to get sick but right when I started to worry about myself, I could take the chemicals.

In less than a week I was better and ever so slowly, I smoked more often and now, I'm still smoking four years later.

Niall took the cigarette from my lips and he placed it between his own, giving me a sexy and playful smile as he inhaled

I watched how he exhaled, a breathy moan slipping into my ear as smoke tickled my neck

"God, Zaynie..." Niall bit my earlobe "You even make your smokes nice"

He pulled away with an adorable grin and I gave him a gentle smile in return, loving how he put the smoke between my lips again.

After I breathed in, he took the cigarette and until I was finished, he continued to remove it from my lips, flick the butt, and place it back between my lips

I disposed of the cigarette and kissed his lips, my tongue stroking his as he straddled me on the bottom step

His fingers disappeared into my hair and now he was knelt over my lap, grinding down over my crotch

I groaned, spreading his legs till he squeaked, stopping him to remind him that I had something in store for him at home

"Let's go" I slowed down our kiss

Niall nodded and we walked hand-in-hand to my bike.

I climbed on the front and Niall sat behind me, snaking his arms around my waist as he lay the side of his face against my back

I started my bike and rode us both to my house... My angel is safe now, and so am I



"Fuck, Zayn!" Niall cried as I smacked into him

I had him bent over my desk, my hands holding his hips as I pounded into him.

His fingers gripped the sides of the desk and he cried out again, shuffling up the rocking desk to get his legs off the floor

His feet were hooked together under my bum, his legs bent and open like a diamond

"ZAYN!!!" He screamed

The more I slammed, the more he wailed and yelled out, begging I go harder and faster

The desk was smacking my wall over and over now, a loud thump, thump, thump, thump, being created

I was close as hell too, but I was struggling to reach my climax

Niall cried out again, high pitched and more of a long grunt "AH!"

He came, ejaculating on my floor as he quivered "Ah, ah, ah... Zayn, ah"

"Fuck, fuck" I grit my teeth "so tight for me, such a little slut!"

His bum cheeks tighten and it was my turn to let out a grunt that sounded like an orgasm

"Niall, shit"

I grabbed his hair and lifted his head back, making him yelp in pain

"Zayn, let go!"

I fucked him up the ass the hardest I could and right when I was at the brink of my orgasm, I heard my mother scream

Oh fuck... She's behind me... Isn't she?

I hoped for the best and kept going, one more thrust making me fill up the blonde beneath me

"God..." Niall panted, laying flat on the desk

I pulled out and put on my boxers, doing up my pants before I turned round

"Zayn Javaad Malik what the fuck do you think you are doing?!" She screamed

Niall quickly put his boxers and shorts back on, standing behind me with his hand in mine

I just stood there staring as she continued to flip out over the fact that she'd just caught me topping during anal sex

But she eventually calmed down and took a deep breath "I want Niall out... Now"

Niall let go of my hand and picked up his bag, walking past my mum without even saying goodbye


"I'll see you tomorrow"

And then he was out of sight

"What were you thinking?" My mum asked "you're seventeen Zayn, seventeen"

"I know" I nodded

"So why... Why would you do that?" She looked more upset than angry "and... And in our house?"

"Well... Where else am I supposed to do it?"

A flash of hurt shot into her eyes and I felt guilty... I seriously don't want to make my own mother cry

"I just... I thought" she teared up "I thought you were a good boy"

"No mum I-" I gulped "I'm still me, I'm just... I'm turning into someone I like better"

She snivelled and I never expected her to do what she did next... She agreed

"Y-you're right" She swallowed "You're growing up, you're experiencing things for yourself-"

"Don't worry" I cut her off with a supportive smile "I'm still Zayn, you're still the best mum ever"

She nodded and I knew the only reason I wasn't getting punished any further was because my mum didn't know what to do, she's never punished me before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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