Chapter 3

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It was the next day and this time, we were at Niall's

"God, this book is so big" Niall complained "I can't believe I have to read this"

"What is it?"

"The grapes of wrath" Niall said "it's B-O-R-I-N-G... Boring"

"Lucky" I sighed "I'm not allowed to read for a month"

"As, you're so funny" Niall laughed, pecking my lips

I smiled... That made me feel a whole lot better

I wasn't kidding though. I came up with a punishment for three weeks. My younger sister said because I was having sex it should be a month... Great little sister right? I'd have said yes if she hadn't blurted in front of my dad and the rest of the family last night I was having sex with someone in my room.

But, she blurted it, now I hate her. Because that's when I got a real lecture. Three hours I sat in my dad's room with him lecturing me about being gay. I honestly thought mum had told him.

So, it ended like this

"Being gay is disgusting!"

"Wait... You didn't know I was gay?"

His face turned red and he clenched his fists

"Go to your bloody bedroom!"

Then I got up and went to bed.

Yep... That's exactly how those torturous three hours ended. Me basically coming out to my dad who didn't even know I liked guys. I mean, I was so worried about coming out in the first place because of my dad. I could've have my ass saved by my mum if Safaa hadn't decided to announce I'd had sex with an angel upstairs.

"You know what?" Niall asked "screw the book"

"It's a good book" I said softly

"Is it?" He cocked his head

"Mhmm" I smiled "I've read it twice"

"That's really hot" Niall smiled back

Yep. I'm just going with everything he says.

"I love to read" I whispered

"That's even hotter"

Then his lips were on mine. And in seconds we were in the same position as yesterday, but this time he got my shirt off

I instantly felt self conscious and the second Niall's shirt came off he pressed himself right against me, a hand holding the back of my head as he heated up the kiss

"You must look so sexy with a book in your hands" Niall whispered into my ear

I pulsed and he connected our lips again. My fingers pushed his shirt off him and now we were both shirtless.

Niall's fingers buried themselves into my hair and I moaned as he tugged at my roots... This boy...He's like heroine

After many more moans, Niall unzipped my jeans. I helped him push them down and soon they were off my legs and on the floor with my socks and shoes.

Niall's jeans were off soon too, kicked onto the floor as he held my waist

He ground, his lips still fitted with mine and he started to pull down my waistband

"Niall..." I pleaded, putting my hand over his

"What's wrong?" He pulled away "I told you I'm not here for sex. I'm sorry"

"What?" He asked

"No" I whispered biting my lip "I... I don't want-"

"You don't want to have sex with me?" He looked surprised

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