Chapter 4

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The next morning, I was sat by myself at my bike.

I was leaning against it with Hush-Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick... I love this book

*His eyes skimmed me, head to toe. "I don't think we have to worry."

Before I could stop myself, I punched his arm.

"Careful," he said in a low voice. "They might think we're flirting."

I felt like kicking myself, because that's exactly what we were doing. But it wasn't my fault-it was Patch's. In close contact with him, I experienced a confusing polarity of desires. Part of me wanted to run away from him screaming, Fire! A more reckless part was tempted to see how close I could get without... combusting.

"One game of pool," he tempted. "I'm here with someone else."

"Head toward the pool tables. I'll take care of it."*

"You either really do love to read, or you're just looking sexy for me" I heard a laugh

I put my book in my lap and smiled... Niall

"Hi" he said shyly


"I got your note" Niall bit his lip

"It wasn't weird, was it?" I asked worriedly

"No I... I thought it was really cute" Niall gushed


Niall walked closer and he pulled the book from my hands, kissing me hard.

I kissed back and he parted his lips for me, letting my tongue bind with his

And that's how we spent the next ten minutes. The both of us in a steamy and passionate french kiss.

I had switched spots, pressing Niall against my bike and I heard him drop my book onto the pavement... Oh well

"Your book..." Niall sighed, breaking the kiss

"I can pick it up after" I whispered

"After what?"

"After I finish kissing you"

"I thought-"

"If it helps" I murmured "I can pick it up now so we can keep snogging"

Niall shook his head and picked up my book for me, handing it back

"Greg told me you got in trouble" Niall said

"Yeah, with my mum again"

"Apparently you forgot about your sister"

"I did"

"Why didn't you just tell me you had to go get her?"

"Well... I wanted to see you" I admitted "but that didn't work out so well because I ended up staying a lot later than I was supposed to"

"Are you mad at me?" Niall asked quietly

"No, never" I assured him "why would I be mad? It's just a lecture"

Niall gave a relieved sigh and he smiled at me "I'll see you later, okay?"

I nodded

"Meet me at the football lockers" Niall winked "I have footy through my double"

"Little shorts?" I asked

"And tight tops" Niall nodded

"I'll be there"

Niall and I kissed again, being cut off by the first bell

"Class can wait" Niall whispered

I didn't disagreed. I just kept kissing him.

People around me must think I'm crazy. They must think Niall is too.

I'm not even close to what he likes and here I am having mouth sex with him instead of being in my class that everyone else calls my 'home'

I ended up with Niall's long fingers in my hair, the both of us gasping as the kiss only got hotter.

This isn't like me at all. But Niall is just so beautiful, it's like I'm under a spell and... I never want this to end

The second bell went and I broke the kiss

"I need to get to class"


"I'm so sorry" I whispered

"Can't you stay five more minutes?"

"No, baby" I whispered


"I'll see you at recess" I leant in to kiss him again

"You will" Niall pressed his fingers to my lips "otherwise you'll miss out on your extra kisses"

I grinned and he winked "you might miss a little action after school too"

He pressed his body to mine and licked his lips in the hottest way I'd seen in my entire life.

I am seriously going to bend this boy over my bike if he doesn't stop teasing me

He kissed my cheek and left, letting me hurry to class

"I'm sorry I'm late!" I said a little too loudly

Everybody in my English class looked up at me. A group of idiotic boys that happened to involve Harry tutted

"Why are you late?"

"I uh... I slept in" I lied

"Alright, go sit beside Harry"

I nodded and say down

"You slept in?" Harry asked darkly "I saw you mouth fucking that slut"

"He's not a slut" I responded

"Yeah, and neither are you" he said sarcastically

My jaw dropped, I am no slut!

"At least I get a mouth to fuck" I snapped back

"Excuse me?" Harry asked

"You heard me" I glowered, "don't you dare say shit about Niall to me"

Harry looked so shocked by my language, my threat, and my words back to him

"You just made a big mistake" Harry growled

"No Harry, you made the mistake"

"Oh really?"

"Because of what you just call Niall, I'm going to-"

"You're going to what?" He asked "beat my marks in an essay? Guess what Einstein. Being smart isn't cool or bad or awesome. You're a loser, and you have a slut for a boyfriend"

I wanted to be mad at Harry but... I don't have any temper. So in reality, I was on the verge of tears.

I just put down my head and shut up. Anymore of this and I'm going to cry. Niall can't know I get bullied by Harry

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