Chapter 9

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I went to school the next morning feeling terrible.

I let my dad go near Niall.

I couldn't fight off my own father and now? I've been raped.

Niall stood a few meters away, staring, almost scared to come near me

We were looking at each other and ever so slowly he started to move.

He broke into a run and his boys collided with mine

He hugged me tight and I sat down on my bike with his arms around me

"You're so brave" he whispered "you... Thank you"

I didn't hug him back.

What is he thanking me for? Keeping him from getting raped by letting myself get raped?

"Are you okay?" Niall asked worriedly "did he hurt you? What did he do when I left?"

"Nothing" I said softly, telling another lie

"He just left?"

"No he... He bashed me a bit" was all I told him

"Where?" Niall's eyes widened "oh my god, are you bruised?"

"I'm fine"

"Zayn, you can't be fine if he bashed you!" Niall exclaimed "did you call the cops? I hope you did because-"

"Easy, easy" I hushed him, caressing his cheek "it's okay babe, calm down, I'm alright"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure" I nodded

Niall pressed his lips onto mine and he sighed before pulling away "you left me because he was in the house... Didn't you?"

"Yeah" I said quietly "mum was there with my little sister so-"

"You were protecting them?"

"Something like that" I nodded

"Did he hurt you then as well?"

"No, he wasn't drunk enough"

"What's happening to him?"

"He's in jail, don't worry" I said quietly, my heart clenching

Niall hugged me again "I feel like it's my fault"

"It's not, don't worry" I said quietly "just... Let's forget about yesterday altogether"

"What happened yesterday?" Niall asked confused

"You know, my dad-"

"I know" Niall smiled "I was agreeing about the forgetting thing"

"Oh" I blushed

"Aw, Zayn" Niall cooed "your blushing!"

This of course only made me blush harder

He kissed my cheek "you can be so cute"

I smiled as he linked our hands, he really is special

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Duh" he giggled

He took both sides of my jacket and tugged at them as he stepped between my legs

I leant down and kissed him hard, letting his tiny mouth enclose my lips

I let my hands move over his bum, I pulled him closer and he gasped, kissing me as soon as my erection touched him

"Someone is thirsty" Niall taunted

"Thirsty?" I asked "no, no, I think you're the thirsty one"

"You're right" Niall giggled as I nuzzled him with my nose "I think I need a drink"

It took me a while to get what he said. But when I did, my breath hitched... Oh my god

"Well?" Niall looked up

I put my keys in my hobo bag and followed after Niall

He kept our hands linked all the way to the bathrooms and he pushed me into a stall

After locking it he pulled down my jeans, pressing my back against the wall of the stall

"Niall I-"

He yanked down my boxers and grinned at my erection

"Someone is excited" Niall wriggled his eyebrows suggestively

He pressed my hips down against the wall and enveloped half of me with his small mouth

I groaned at the feeling, loving the warm and wet sensation

Niall sucked and I gasped, grabbing his hair

He sucked harder, slowly inching more into his mouth.

He didn't get much further than halfway. My cock filled his mouth and every so often, the tips of his teeth grazed my foreskin

Niall tugged at my balls with his fingers, fondling them to increase my pleasure

I was so fucking close. His tongue flickered at my head and I pulled his hair toward me, making my cock dissapear into his mouth

He choked, making me ejaculate into his mouth

When I finished, I let go and he drooled a little of my sperm onto the floor

"shit..." He murmured

I was still flat against the wall, my lower half bare and cold now from the air

Niall wiped the corner of his mouth and his eyes while I pulled up my boxers and put my jeans back on

"You have such, a big, dick" Niall coughed

"You have such a little mouth"

Niall stood up and smiled at me, kissing my lips hard "thanks Zayn"

"For what?"

"quenching my thirst" He winked

I laughed, nodding before saying back to him "you're welcome"

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