4: The Summer Pact

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Hello my loves :)

Yes, I know I haven't uploaded and there isn't any excuse, feel free to yell at me. I deserve it. I missed Marnie and I'm excited to be writing about her again :) I seriously want to hug Mae. She's the cutest thing alive.

I just want to say that if you are reading this and are still supporting this story, THANK YOU. I truly appreciate it. So, please go ahead and read this chapter. I hope you enjoy it and support it by commenting it and voting. Oh could you vote on the previous chapter pleases with cheases? :D

OH and if you tell your fans or friends, it would really mean a lot to me. I'm not saying you have to and it's a bit rude of me to ask but... I don't mean it rudely. I mean... Ugh... See? This is why I am socially awkward... Just ignore my little rants :)

Moving on, I hope all you guys are doing great and are excited for summer. If you've already been let out of school, well poo you ;) you lucky guys. I still have to wait six pointless days :)

Anyways, enjoy....


I woke up with that same chuckle taunting me and an annoying voice nagging me or saying something. I wasn't exactly paying attention. The sunlight was blinding me but as I sat up, the light transformed into the hideous form of my mother. Ever since I got here, my relationship with my mother has become even worse and I don't think it'll ever be good again.

"..Marnelle, are you even listening to anything I've said?"

I smirked, "Nope, please repeat whatever it is that your majesty needs"

"Don't talk to me like that Marnelle. You have to take care of Maelle today. John and I have some... errands to run." That pause made me think there was more to it but knowing Mum, it was probably voluntary and there must've been some drama attached so I left it alone.

I honestly couldn't be bothered to ask and I didn't give two shits either so I didn't see the point in wasting my breath on another drama from her. She looked disappointed that I didn't ask and I just sat in bed, in my pajama shorts and tank top. I stared at her, my eyes hard and hers looked back expectantly.

I said nothing and John walked up behind Mum and wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing her stomach lovingly. I nearly wanted to puke. How disgusting.

"Mae's in the dining room eating her breakfast and we'll be back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Where the hell are you going?"

"None of your business Marnelle. Just do as I say" my mum snapped at me.

Where the hell are they going that takes an entire two days to be?

Oh well, now that I think about it, Mum'll be gone for two days! This is a great opportunity. No Mum.

I did a mental fist bump into the air and kept my face somber and passive.

"Now be a good girl and lock up. Take good care of Mae. Bye Marnelle."

My mum spoke so fast and practically ran. I smirked. She couldn't take the tension and ran away like the coward she is. Where had this attitude come from? Oh well, it felt good to tell my mum.

"I left you a hundred Euros on the kitchen counter for food and other things you might need." John seemed nice and gave me a small smile before heading out. I just gave him a curt nod and then got up to lock the door. Mum was already in the car. John walked out and I locked the door behind me.

I sighed and walked into the dining room where Mae was drawing. I could see her drawing the beach and she had such a look of determination on her face that her little tounge was sticking out. She's such a good kid and she doesn't deserve a future step-mum like my mum. But I just hope that woman will be nice or I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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