2: The Summer Pact

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WOOP! Another chapter! Okay I'm sorry it's LATEEE! But I am on break and it's been... Hectic? Hahah. I've also been helping friends and I hope they feel better.

So if you guys like the chapter comment, if you love it, VOTE!

I really love this story so it means the world to me.



The Summer Pact: Chapter 2

"I wouldn't want to be on top of you even if my life depended on me, so get your gross body off me or you won't be able to have children." I spoke through gritted teeth wiping that gorgeous smile off his face.

He looked confused and that seemed to make me kind of giddy inside. His eyes were very capturing with their mix of green and ocean blue, piercing me. I felt like he could see my soul and that scared me. I felt bare and naked.

He got off me and offered me his hand. I refused it. I'm not a baby! I got up and he just looked at me. I noticed his very chiseled, tanned abs and his muscular arms. His hair was brown and floppy but sexy. His mouth was in this smirk but I knew there had to be something more underneath all that cockiness.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What the hell is wrong with me? What about you? I'm not the one making the disgusting, 'jokes' and pretending I'm all that!"

He looked taken aback that I had yelled back and I smirked. HAH! Take that! With that, I left him shocked, mouth hanging open. I wanted to go there an close it, in fear of a dinosaur walking into it.

The sand was warm and people parted like the red sea so that they didn't get in my way. I walked off wondering who that mysterious, gorgeous, asshole of a guy was. Why did he act as if he was the prince? Huh, he reminded me of Draco Malfoy and his snotty attitude. But even Draco broke down. I don't think this guy is that easy though.

A flash of his muscular body on top of mine flashed in my kind and my blood started to boil, my cheeks turned crimson and my hands clenched. I walked back to the house wet and sticky. How could he be such an asshole? Didn't his parents ever teach him to be respectful towards the other gender? I don't get how he could just be like that! UGH! Him and his perfect body infuriated me to no end. What a pervert! Was all that he thought about was a girl and that she was onto of him, or under him... I don't think he'd mind.

Chocolate. That was what I needed now but I was too close to the house that I would have to call... home. Just saying it felt weird. Wrong. I can't think of calling that man dad. He would never replace the place of my father, never. But what about Mae? I can't leave her there. Do I hear myself? I'm talking about a girl I haven't even known for a day and acting as if she's the most important thing in the world. Well right now little Maelle Dayle is the best thing in my sad, pathetic life. Her and Piggy of course.

The house is right in front of me and I can't decide whether to go in or not. My feet carry me to the door on their own and surprisingly, it's unlocked. My mums standing by the door. "Where have you been?"

"I went for a walk on the boardwalk. " I shrugged as if it was no big deal and it wasn't but I know my mum. All the dramatics were always needed according to her.

"Marnie! You can't just do that anymore!" her eyes were puffy but I didn't care right now.

"How could you not tell me mum? After everything we've been through! How could you just let it 'slip your mind'" I said with air quotes.

She stood there speechless. I smirked and said, "I don't want to fight just tell me where my room is."

She pointed towards the stairs and said, "F-first room on the r-right." I nodded and walked up the wooden stairs creaking, passing photos of Mae and I'm guessing her mum. I walked to the right and the the first door. The house wasn't as big as it looked. There were only three bedrooms and two bathrooms from what I could tell. I walked into the room that had a white door and saw that the room consisted of pink. Lots and lots of pink. NO WAY! I was not sharing a room with Mae. No way, Jose! Actually, now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea. Mae attacked me with a hug.

"Marnie! We're sharing a room sissy!" I faked a smile. Her room had two beds, one white wood with pink bedding and the other black wood with purple bedding.

"This is your bed Marn!" my heart ached. Only she called me Marn. Nobody else. She sat on the bed and started jumping.

"WHEEEEEEEEE!" I laughed. Ahhh she was SOO cute! Maybe there was a silver lining to every story. I snorted to myself. What a Wattpad book thing to say. Cheesy and unrealistic. Mae was just the only thing bearable in my life right now. She went back to colouring with her Crayola crayons and I let her be. I opened my suitcase and took all my clothes and put them in an empty dresser that was a a matching purple to the bedding. Other than that, the room was pink and white.

My clothes were mixed with hers. And it hurt to see them. It hurt to look at them, knowing I would have to wear them. I picked up her simple, black bikini with white embroidery on it and laughed at the memory.


"Why do you get the bigger boobs? It's not fair!"

HAH! She has all the boys. Its quite fair. We were on the beach and she was laughing and listening to music as if she didn't have a care in the world. Right there she didn't.

"Paige, it is beyond fair. You have the body, the boys, the school status. Deal."

"HMPHHH" I grinned and put on my glasses. They aren't that big! Paige was overreacting as always.

An evil thought came to my mind. She couldn't resist a challenge. "RACE YOU TO THE WATER," she laughed and we ran, leaving the sand behind in a pile of dust. I ran as hard as my feet could take me. My breathing laboured and she and I were head to head. I pushed myself and was leading when I slipped on the watery sand and toppled over, taking Paige down with me.

"WHAT THE HELL MARN?!" her face was furious and her cheeks flaming red. She had muddy looking sand all over her. Well muddy looking was the nice description... Her hair was all over, sticking to her face. I was smart enough to put it in a bun. She said she got 'natural' highlights! Natural my ass. It isn't qualified as natural when you put chemical crap in your hair to speed up the process.

Then we looked at each and burst out laughing. Too bad I didn't know that was the last carefree day we would laugh together.


The tears were falling, hard. Mae came and said, "Why are you sad?" Her doll hung limply, almost sympathetically.

I didn't say anything. Instead I took her and hugged her. She wrapped her tiny, chubby arms around me and burrowed her head into my neck. I carried her to what I assumed was my bed and lay down. Still crying.

Mae just lay there and hugged me. I cried, most likely soaking her senseless but she didn't complain. I heard soft snores and I knew Mae had fallen asleep. The tears had stopped but the sadness hadn't and I fell asleep, strangely thinking about the boy from the beach. Him in all his assholiness. No matter how cruel he was, he was in my head. My brain took over analysing his every touch on me and the way he was when he was ontop of me. Then I realised something. I didn't know his name.

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