Meet happySERI

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Basic information about you:

Name: Cerrie Anne D. Acevida

Username: happySERI

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Location: Mandaluyong

Birthday: June 18, 1993


Color: Red, pink

Song: Tadhana by UP Dharma Down

Food: Desserts, pasta

Subject: TV and Radio Production 

Important Questions:

1. When did you found Wattpad?

-Thru my sister.

2. What can you say about Wattpad?

- It’s nice. It gives someone a chance to create her/his story. 

3. When did you start to write and why?

- Last February 2014. I started to write because it was my dream.

4. Who inspires you?

-The other Wattpad writers 

5. Is Wattpad a good influence or not?

- I think Wattpad has its ups and downs. It’s good because it gave aspiring writers a chance to fulfill once dream and at the same time it’s bad because some writers write not appropriate stories for young audiences.

6. What are the genre’s you write?

-Romance/ Non-teen fiction

7. Message to your readers/fans.

- Thank you for reading my story. Thank you for the compliments, constructive criticisms as well as the destructive ones. Love lots. :*

8. Message to your haters.

- May God bless you. :*

9. Why did you want to join this club?

- Aside from gaining readers, which is most of the members reason why they join clubs. I want to read many stories and I want to gain more friends. 

Your other side:

1. Will you please tell us about yourself?

- I’m a Public Relations Staff in an Advertising and Public Relations firm. I’m a graduate of Broadcast Communication degree.

- Goal-oriented, dreamer, traveler, food lover

2. Please differentiate yourself as a writer and as a normal individual.

- As a writer, I express myself truly a lot. While as a normal individual, I kept my feeling unspoken. Not that I’m shy, but for people to respect me.

3. Greatest achievement here in Wattpad.

- To have 300+ readers for my first ever story I fall in love with you… AGAIN. 

Signed by: Cerrie Anne “happySERI” Acevida

Date: March 18, 2014

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