Meet ShiningHatsya

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Basic Information About You:

Name: James Ernest

Username: ShiningHatsya

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Location: Texas, USA

Birthday: September 2, 1989


Color: Amber

Song: Wake Up by Coheed and Cambria

Food: Chicken Ginger Stew (Tinolang Manok in Filipino)

Subject: Computer (exact: Computer Programming)


1. When did you found Wattpad?


2. What can you say about Wattpad?

 A decent ebook reading platform.

3. When did you started to write? And why?

Around early 2000's, I dream of alternate, usually dark twists to existing plots at that time.

4. Who inspires you?

Of course, the GOD(s) above us, then our parents and our relatives. Old and new generation of authors like Cory Doctorow, Harlan Ellison, Tim LaHaye, Frank Herbert, Keita Amemiya, Gen Urobuchi, Mamare Touno and Reki Kawahara

5. Is Wattpad a good influence or not?


6. What are the genres you write?

Scifi, action, fantasy, thriller, suspense, dramedy

7. Message to your readers/fans.

Thanks for devoting your time on my works, hope you enjoyed it!

8. Message to your haters.

You've wasted time, energy, and sanity to drag me down. Spend them instead in improving yourself!

9. Why do you want to join this club?

Meeting friends, refining my craft, and hopefully face my personal adversaries as a writer (not to say, other authors but... writing woes).

Your other side:

1. Will you please tell us about yourself?

I'm a simple yet risk-taking dude who went through multiple failures in life. In spite of my risk-taking nature, I am vocal at things be it appropriate or not.

2. Please differentiate yourself as a writer and as normal individual.

Outside writing, yeah I'm pretty much a sociable person. In writing, I'm a serious one who'd even wish to have any form of force field barring anyone from disturbing me while writing or even drawing for my content.

3. Greatest achievement here in Wattpad.

 The RPG: Metanoia director, Louie Suarez, read my work and gave me tips on furthering my work. From a supposed spiritual fan sequel, until it became my own work.

Signed by: ShiningHatsya

Date: 03/18/2014

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